This repository contains a PyTorch implementation of a NERF model with acclearated training time ". It includes a case study involving the following papers
Plenoxels, Radiance Fields without Neural Networks by Yu and Fridovich-Keil et al
Neural Geometric Level of Detail: Real-time Rendering with Implicit 3D Shapes by Takikawa et al., 2021
Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding" by Müller et al
In Google Collab copy the following cells :
!git clone
%cd instantNuralFields-Reimplementation-Pytorch-
!pip install -r requirements.txt
from nerf.create_model import create_model
from nerf.utils import setup_data_loaders
from nerf.model_trainer import NerfTrainRunner
from nerf.eval import eval
Adjust the parameters (These are the ones used in the demo videos):
L = 4
near = 8
far = 12
nb_epochs = 1
lr = 1e-3
gamma = 0.5
nb_bins = 100
base_lod = 4
num_lod = 3
batch_size = 10240
data_path = #PATH TO YOUR DATA
model_params = {
"L": L,
"near": near,
"far": far,
"nb_epochs": nb_epochs,
"lr": lr,
"gamma": gamma,
"nb_bins": nb_bins,
'base_lod': base_lod,
'num_lod': num_lod,
'batch_size': batch_size
Select the model type:
model_types = ['plenoxels' ,'nglod' , 'mlp' , 'hash']
model , optimizer , scheduler = create_model( model_types[#your Index here] ,model_params )
Load the data :
dataloader , dataloader_warmup ,test_data = setup_data_loaders(data_path, batch_size)
test_o, test_d, test_px = test_data
Train (The demo was train on T4 GPU)
trainer = NerfTrainRunner(model, optimizer, scheduler, near, far, nb_bins, nb_epochs, dataloader,
test_o[0], test_d[0],test_px[0] ,batch_size, checkpoints_path = None)
360 video:
eval(model , test_o[6] , test_d[6])
Implement the volume renderer
Implement the Dense Grid (NGLOD) model
Implement the Grid only (plenoxels) model
Implement the traniner class
Implement the MLP baseline (for benchmarking)
Extned the Dense Grid implementation (NGLOD) to Hash Grids (InstantNGPs)
Train on different data sets
Add a file
Add citations at each slide
Use the tinyCuda lib for more accelerated training