Contet: đź“ť
This project required a functional API connected to a database with at least a one-to-many and a many-to-many relationship. Putting into practice the knowledge acquired mainly with sequelize - express.
This project consisted of creating a web application for a dental clinic, in which we would have several features such as:
- user registration
- login access
- access to user profile
- profile modification according to permissions
- access to appointments and their modification
- view own appointments (user, doctor)
- view all appointments according to permissions
I was investigating several apps of this style to see the structure and to be able to better apply all the points and functionalities.
Technologies that has been used:
- Clone the project on your computer with git bash:
$git clone 'url-repository'
- Install all dependencies with the following command:
$ npm i
- Conectamos nuestro repositorio con la base de datos
- Start the server with:
$ npm run dev
- Connect the repository with the database with the following commands:
$ npx sequelize-cli db:create
$ npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
$ npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all
- Run this file in postman to enable access to the endpoints of the project
I have based on the creation of basic CRUD. This project has the following structure:
Index.js: This is the main file.
- Config.json: This file is created automatically by sequelize and it managed the configuration to connect to the database.
Middlewares: This file manages common services, such as authentication through use of tokens to access API restricted zones.
- isAdmin
- isDoctor
- verifyToken
db.js: Shows the configuration that must have into .env file that must be created for the application to work.
Router.js: This file manages the different paths that the application can have. He creado varias rutas para poder gestionar mejor la informacion
- appointmentRoutes.js: In this file we manage the endpoints that point to that route.
- authRoutes.js: In this file we manage the endpoints pointing to that path.
- treatmentRoutes.js: In this file we manage the path /treatments and the endpoints pointing to that path.
- usersRoutes.js: In this file we manage the endpoints that point to that path.
Controllers: There are controllers for each of the established routes.
POST http://localhost:9000/auth/register
{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "1234", "firstName": "Prueba" "lastName": "Prueba" "document": "123456789" "address": "prueba" "telefonNumber": "123456789" "collegialNumber": "123456789" }
POST http://localhost:9000/auth/login
{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "1234" }
Create appointment:
Create appointment only for the logged in user through postman with POST option.
POST: http://localhost:9000/app
{ "doctor_id": "1", "patient_id": "1", "treatment_id": "3", "price": 10, "date": "2023-06-12" }
Cancel appointment by Admin:
CANCEL petition to delete any user appointments currently in the database.
DELETE: http://localhost:9000/appointments/:id
You must indicate in the url the ID number of the appointment.
Check all appointments by Admin:
GET a list of all users' appointments.
GET: http://localhost:9000/appointments
Check all appointments by Doctor:
GET a list of all appointments.
GET: http://localhost:9000/appointments/doctorsAppointment
Check personal appointment by User:
GET a list of all appointments.
GET: http://localhost:9000/appointments/myAppointment
Check profile:
GET petition to see the user´s own profile.
GET: http://localhost:9000/users/profile
Update profile:
We update profile from the logged user.
PUT: http://localhost:9000/users/:id
{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "1234", "firstName": "prueba", "lastName": "prueba", "document": "123456789", "address": "c/tal, Valencia", "telefonNumber": "123456789", "collegialNumber": "123456789", "role_id": 2 }
Check all user profiles by Admin:
GET petition to see the user´s profile, if you are logged like an Admin, will show all the information about the users.
GET: http://localhost:9000/users
Check all user profiles by Doctor:
GET petition to see the user´s profile, if you are logged like a doctor, will show only the relevant information about the users.
GET: http://localhost:9000/users/patients
Delete treatment by Admin:
DELETE: http://localhost:9000/treatments/:id
You must indicate in the url the ID number of the treatment.
Update user by Admin:
Update profile from the logged Admin.
POST: http://localhost:9000/users/:id
{ "email":"", "password":"", "firstName":"", "lastName":"", "document":"", "address":"", "telefonNumber":"", "collegialNumber":"", "role_id":"" }
Delete user by Admin:
Delete user and all info by Admin.
POST: http://localhost:9000/users/:id
is required user_id.
Create treatment:
Create treatment by Admin
POST: http://localhost:9000/treatments
{ "treatmentName": "", "description": "", "price": 10, }
Suggestions and contributions are always welcome.
You can do this in two ways:
- Opening an issue
- Create a fork of the repository
- Create a new branch
$ git checkout -b feature/nombreUsuario-mejora
- Make a commit with your changes
$ git commit -m 'feat: mejora tal parte'
- Make push to the branch
$ git push origin feature/nombreUsuario-mejora
- Open a Pull Request
- Create a new branch
This project is belonging to license Creative Commons Legal Code.
To achieve my goal I have collected information from:
I thank my teachers for their time dedicated to this project: