"Data management plan generator" can create a data management plan automatically. This is a very simple way to make a DMP. By using this Generator, you can create
- a full Data Management Plan for Horizon Europe and H2020 projects;
- a full Data Management Plan for DFG projects;
- a summary for funding proposal;
- a customized practical guide throughout your projects
- a user defined template that you can edit freely
./js/: javascripts (mainly for style)
./css/: css files (mainly for style)
./docs/: document templates (currently not used, all documents are included in the index.html)
./saved_json/: json files including saved answers.
./index.html : functional javascript codes + all the templates
The "Data management plan generator" is serverless. All functions works even if you disconnect the internet after loading the website. You could even use "control + S" to save the website and use it for a later time. Just remember that the local cache will be different between the different URLs.
- The answer of the question
- The status of usage (first time visitor or not)
- the user defined template
Thanks to all the open source code gives us inspiration.
The visualization and UI contain code from following project:
UI: Bootstraps 5
UI: the introduction tour used bs5-intro-tour,
Word Cloud Visualization: d3 and word cloud
File Saving: FileSaver