The website is built using HTML5 with the BEM methodology, which is a popular naming convention for CSS classes that promotes modularity and organization. The CSS is written using SCSS3 and Sass, which are pre-processors that allow for more efficient and organized CSS coding. Additionally, the website features a contact modal, which is a pop-up window that allows visitors to easily get in touch with the website owner or team. Overall, the website is well-structured and designed for optimal user experience.
This project was a significant milestone for me - my first website. I created WebStudio, a professional website designed to attract potential clients. Through this project, I gained extensive knowledge in various areas, including the BEM naming convention, the Mobile First, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Flexbox, Grid, as well as HTML5 and CSS3/SCSS. Additionally, I had the opportunity to learn how to effectively collaborate with designers using Figma.
- HTML 5
- JavaScript