This document describes how to use the iHealth Device SDK to accomplish the major operation: Connection Device, Online Measurement, Offline Measurement and iHealth Device Management.
iHealth Bp3m
iHealth Bp3l
iHealth Bp5
iHealth Bp7
iHealth Bp7s
iHealth Bp550BT
iHealth KD926
iHealth KD723
iHealth Abi
iHealth Hs3
iHealth Hs4
iHealth Hs4s
iHealth Hs5
iHealth Hs6
iHealth Am3
iHealth Am3s
iHealth Am4
iHealth Po3
iHealth BG1(AG-680)
iHealth BG5
iHealth Device SDK communicate with iHealth Device by USB, Bluetooth, BluetoothLe, Wifi or Audio.
USB: iHealth Bp3m
Bluetooth: iHealth Bp5, iHealth Bp7, iHealth Bp7s, iHealth Abi, iHealth Hs3, iHealth Hs4, iHealth BG5
BluetoothLe: iHealth Bp3l, iHealth Bp550BT, iHealth KD926, iHealth KD723, iHealth Am3, iHealth Am3s, iHealth Po3, iHealth Hs4s
Audio: iHealth BG1(AG-680)
Wifi: iHealth Hs5, iHealth Hs6
Need to introduce the development kit iHealthLibrary.jar.
Support phone os 4.0+: ABI, BP3, BP5, BP7, BP7S, BG1, BG5, BP, HS3, HS5, HS4S, HS6
Support phone os 4.4+: AM3, AM3S, AM4, HS4, PO3, BP3L, KD926, KD723, Bp550BT,
Specific configuration as shown below:
Need to add ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission in Android 6.0。
Contact for more information:
[email protected]
[email protected](US)
[email protected](Europe)
* Register callback to the manager. This method will return a callback Id.
int callbackId = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().registerClientCallback(iHealthDevicesCallback);
iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().addCallbackFilterForAddress(clientCallbackId, ...); iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().addCallbackFilterForDeviceType(clientCallbackId, ...);
iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().sdkUserInAuthor(MainActivity.this, userName, clientId, clientSecret, callbackId);
If verify success, all the api avaliable, else 10 trial days you will get.
int type = iHealthDevicesManager.DISCOVERY_BP5
private iHealthDevicesCallback iHealthDevicesCallback = new iHealthDevicesCallback() {
public void onScanDevice(String mac, String deviceType) {
iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().connectDevice(userName, mac, type);
private iHealthDevicesCallback iHealthDevicesCallback = new iHealthDevicesCallback() {
public void onDeviceConnectionStateChange(String mac, String deviceType, int status) {
* Get Am3 device controller
Am3Control am3Control = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getAm3Control(mac);
* Get Am3s device controller
Am3sControl am3sControl = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getAm3sControl(mac);
* Get Bg1 device controller
Bg1Control bg1Control = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getBg1Control(mac);
* Get Bg5 device controller
Bg5Control bg5Control = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getBg5Control(mac);
* Get Bp3m device controller
Bp3mControl bp3mControl = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getBp3mControl(mac);
* Get Bp3l device controller
Bp3lControl bp3lControl = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getBp3lControl(mac);
* Get Bp5 device controller
Bp5Control bp5Control = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getBp5Control(mac);
* Get Bp7 device controller
Bp7Control bp7Control = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getBp7Control(mac);
* Get Bp7s device controller
Bp7sControl bp7sControl = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getBp7sControl(mac);
* Get Bp550BT device controller
Bp550BTControl bp550BTControl = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getBp550BTControl(mac);
* Get Bp926 device controller
Bp926Control bp926Control = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getBp926Control(mac);
* Get Bp926 device controller
Bp926Control bp926Control = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getBp926Control(mac);
* Get Hs3 device controller
Hs3Control hs3Control = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getHs3Control(mac);
* Get Hs4 device controller
Hs4Control hs4Control = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getHs4Control(mac);
* Get Hs4s device controller
Hs4sControl hs4sControl = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getHs4sControl(mac);
* Get Hs5 device controller
Hs5Control hs5Control = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getHs5Control(mac);
* Get Hs6 device controller
HS6Control hs6Control = new HS6Control(userName, this, iHealthDevicesManager.TYPE_HS6, mIHealthDeviceHs6Callback);
* Get Po3 device controller
Po3Control po3Control = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getPo3Control(mac);
* Get FDTH device controller
BtmControl btmControl = iHealthDevicesManager.getInstance().getBtmControl(mac);