Make a website that looks like the design provided.
This is my first time using styled components in React. IT'S SUPERMESSY! But I learned a lot! Next project I will really take the time to plan instead of just start coding. I really see this project as a way of playing around with the styled components, npm packages and function rather than having a clean and well structured code. I import and export components a lot an not in a very structured manner. Padding and margin is used a lot to mimic the design as much as possible. If I would have had more time I would have planned this better and focused a lot more on keeping it structured. I would also have figured out a way of removing the arrows in the image slider as in the design provided.
One this that I struggled with a lot was to get the react slick-slider to work. The info-page about the package didn't give so much info about it, at least not enough for a beginner like me.
In this project I also tried using rems and percentages. Rems worked fine but using percenteges was sometimes supermessy so somtimes I used pixels and sometimes percentages.
In short: I KNOW the code is super messy but I at least got it to work. :P Next project will be more structured.