A module that attempts to recreate @Jam2go's vision of what a second-person view would look like.
A video of the system in action:
Here are all the things you need to know to work with this module.
Params: nil Returns: nil Sets the camera to a second-person view mode.
Params: nil Returns: nil Sets the camera back to it's default behavior (third-person view mode).
Params: Config : ChaserConfig
Returns: nil
Properties affected by this setter function is explain further below.
type ChaserConfig = {
Subject : Player? ;
Distance : number? ;
WalkSpeedRatio : number? ;
— The player who's character will be followed by the camera. -
— How far away the camera will be to the subject when it reaches it. -
— The proportion of the cameraman's walk speed to the subject character's walk speed. ( higher = faster )
To build the place from scratch, use:
rojo build -o "Chaser.rbxlx"
Next, open Chaser.rbxlx
in Roblox Studio and start the Rojo server:
rojo serve
For more help, check out the Rojo documentation.