Javascript Wizard (Junior Developer)
I started my coding journey as a passionate developer, eager to dive into the programming world. Since 2021, I've been studying at New Bulgarian University, absorbing everything I can about software development, and each step has deepened my commitment. About a year ago, Laravel entered the picture, opening up new possibilities in web development. Simultaneously, I’ve been honing my JavaScript skills at SoftUni, building up my front-end knowledge to round out my skillset.
Now, with a few years of experience behind me, I’m at a turning point. I’ve learned to create, build, and problem-solve, and that spark to develop something truly my own is brighter than ever. I feel it’s time to step up, step out of my comfort zone, and turn my vision into something real. As I continue to master the fundamentals and learn new techniques, I’ll be streamlining my efforts, dedicating my time to realize that dream project.
I’m ready for the challenge, and 2024 feels like the right time to make it happen. Don’t wait up—big things are coming.