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Node js Starter

Go to the project directory and then follow the below given steps:

  1. npm --version : for version check
  2. npm init : for initialisation then press enter through the prompts to get a default initialisation
  3. npm install express : for installing express js framework for node.

Using the JWT

  1. Run the command node index.js
  2. Execute the post url on Postman localhost:3000/api/login to get the auth token
  3. Copy the auth token
  4. Execute the url localhost:3000/api/posts/ by adding Headers
  5. Key as Authorization and Value as Bearer<space><copied auth token>
  6. Once you run this you will get the encriped info in the jwt token

Using MySQL

  1. Install XAMPP and run the Apache and MySQL servers
  2. Go to the application and click phpMyAdmin on the localhost/dashboard
  3. Click on the nodemysql (name of my database) to see and explore the CRUD changes to the database. C - Create R - Read U - Update D - Delete

Connecting to Mongodb

  1. Take the free community version mongo db subscription.
  2. In mongodb website create a project -> create a shared cluster.
  3. Create a user to enable the database access -> copy the password because it will be usefull later on for you node js code.
  4. After your cluster is created click on connect for the particular cluster to connect to your application or vscode.
  5. To connect to your application select the driver and version (Node.js and 4.1 or later) and then copy the connection string and replace the with the above copied password.
  6. This connection string can be used as a URI in .env to connect to your mongodb database.

Backend project creation and structure

  1. Use npm init -y to initalise the backend project
  2. Install the required packages using this command npm i express mongoose nodemon dotenv express-async-handler.
  3. Under package.json add "dev": "nodemon server.js" to "scripts
  4. Use npm run dev command to run nodemon which automatically refreshes the server every time a file is saved.

Frontend Project creation and structure

  1. npm create vite@latest . setup up the project framework then select React and javascript in the options.
  2. Now install the necessary modules npm i axios react-router-dom
  3. Go to the backend folder to start the server using npm run dev.
  4. Include the bootstrap link and script links from the website in the index.html file to use bootstrap navigation bar.
  5. Now run npm run dev on the frontend folder to see your changes on the browser.

Interaction between frontend and backend code pointers

If you are getting axios Network error while using post then add app.use(cors()); in the server side code and it will work as expected


Learn basics of the project setup with MERN stack







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