A project containing bootcamp lessons and exercises
You need:
- Laptop with Linux, Mac OS X, or recent Windows
Note, if you have Linux or Mac, you can install these using your package manager. In case of Mac, use Homebrew.
- Clojure command line tools: https://clojure.org/guides/getting_started
- JDK 1.8 (or later): https://www.azul.com/downloads/zulu-community/?package=jdk
- Leiningen 2.5.0 (or later): http://leiningen.org
- git: http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
- IDE with Clojure support (more details below)
Run lein nightlight
in the project's root folder. You should see something like this:
Open your browser and navigate to localhost:4000
. You should see the Nightlight editor environment.
Open the Clojure REPL tab on the right, and type (+ 1 1)
into the REPL. You should get a result.
From the right side menu, navigate to src/bootcamp/topics/aaa_intro.clj. Click on InstaREPL at the top of the editor. You should see something like this:
You may continue with setting up your IDE if you wish, but only Nightlight is required for the first part of training.
The development process for Clojure is radically different from Java development process. Likewise, the features that you'll want from your IDE are also different.
The important features that you should look for in Clojure IDE are:
- REPL, the IDE should allow access to project REPL
- Evaluating from source, you should be able to select part of source code and send it to REPL for evaluation
The State of Clojure survey for 2020 found the most popular editors to be Emacs+Cider and IDEA+Cursive. If you're familiar with Emacs (or vim), you can use those. If not, consider IDEA+Cursive, or VS Code+Calva if you want a free and open source editor environment.
Follow the instructions for installing Cursive in here https://cursiveclojure.com/userguide/
Import the project as described in this page https://cursiveclojure.com/userguide/leiningen.html
Microsoft Visual Studio Code has Calva plugin for Clojure code. The plugin can be installed through the Visual Studio Marketplace (just click the "Extensions" icon and search for "Calva").
See https://gist.github.com/Deraen/da73db508e75eb4aad71 for list of few useful plugins and settings.
See https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider
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