Hydra Head for the TAPAS webapp.
TAPAS public documents, documentation, and meeting notes on GitHub
TAPAS webapp (Drupal) on GitHub
TAPAS virtual machine provisioning on GitHub
- from within tapas_rails directory of vagrant env
- To staging : bundle exec cap staging deploy
- To prod : bundle exec cap production deploy
- check status
- ssh in to box as user with root privileges
- on staging: sudo service tomcat status
- on prod: sudo service tomcat7 status
- restart/stop/start
- ssh in to box as user with root privileges or tapas_rails user
- on staging: sudo service tomcat restart (or start or stop)
- on prod: sudo service tomcat7 restart (or start or stop)
- there are custom scripts which start tomcat as the tapas_rails user
Fedora (run by Tomcat)
- check status
- on staging: go to http://railsapi.tapasdev.neu.edu:8080/fedora
- on prod: go to http://railsapi.tapas.neu.edu:8080/fedora
- should see description of fedora install
- restart/stop/start - controlled by Tomcat
Solr (run by Tomcat)
- check status
- on staging: go to http://railsapi.tapasdev.neu.edu:8080/solr
- on prod: go to http://railsapi.tapas.neu.edu:8080/solr
- should see admin interface without any giant red or yellow warnings along the top
- run query
- go to admin interface (see urls above)
- choose the right core from the dropdown on the left(development for rails app - TODO - check on this)
- click query in the menu on the left
- perform searches here (can use various formats of response like xml and json)
- check status
- go to any known url to see if there is a connection
- restart/stop/start
- sudo service httpd restart/stop/start
Passenger (run by Apache)
- check status
- on staging: go to http://railsapi.tapasdev.neu.edu - TODO - check on what you should see
- on prod: go to http://railsapi.tapas.neu.edu - should see view_packages info
- restart/stop/start
- restart/stop/start apache (see above)
- check queue
- on staging: go to http://railsapi.tapasdev.neu.edu/resque
- on prod: go to http://railsapi.tapas.neu.edu/resque
- if jobs are processing you'll see them in the bottom part of the page
- if jobs are queued you'll see them in the queued number in the upper left
- if jobs have failed, you'll see them in the failed number in the upper left
- can check via command line by logging into the server (as yourself) and running
sudo service resque status
- restart/stop/start
- sudo service resque restart/stop/start (issues a cap command)
To run the job that reruns all of the core_files through the reading interface building:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec thor tapas_rails:rebuild_reading_interfaces 500
where 500 is the number of records you would like to run (could do a query for number of core_files in solr before performing the thor task)
bundle exec cap production resque:restart
To modify the main menu
- open the menu.en.yml file and modify/reorder/add/delete values where necessary
To get started developing TAPAS, first install the required software:
- Ruby 2.6.3
- Rails 5.2
- MySQL 5.x
Then follow these steps:
- Clone this repository and cd to the repository directory
- Create a mysql database and import the TAPAS sql file
- Configure application.yml file with correct parameters
- cd to project directory &&
bundle install
- Run
rails s
to start the application
To get TEI files to render properly, you'll need to use something like xslt3
to compile them to a SEF JSON representation that can be used by the in-browser XSLT processor.
(See app/views/core_files/_reading_interface.html.erb.)
- installing nokogiri on OSX:
$ gem install nokogiri -- --with-xml2-include=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/libxml2 --use-system-libraries
- configuring bundle install with correct openssl from brew:
$ bundle config --global build.mysql2 --with-opt-dir="$(brew --prefix openssl)"
$ bundle install
if running with MAMP:
gem install mysql2 -- --with-mysql-config=/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql_config
install libv8 on OSX with the following:
$ brew install [email protected]
$ bundle config build.libv8 --with-system-v8
$ bundle config build.therubyracer --with-v8-dir=$(brew --prefix [email protected])
$ bundle install