A raw libGDX maven project with cucumber set up
for information, help, documentation and the latest version of libGDX please visit their awesome homepage: http://www.libgdx.com
You can take everything I created and do what it what you like to. For further information take a loot at the licenses of the projects this is built on. (libGDX is under Apache 2.0)
The only thing you'll need is maven 3.x- Fork / Copy it
- rename YourGame-Classes (one in each subproject) and "yourgame" packages
- invoke "mvn clean install" on the base directory
- ignore the plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration error - or tell me how to fix it
There are two ways of executing the tests a) mvn test / mvn install / mvn package ... will execute all of your tests b) run dhbw.karlsruhe.it.yourgame.junit.TestSuite as a JUnit Test in your favourite IDE.
Maven will generate a pretty report in core/target/cucumber
99% of your code will be in the core subproject. Your tests will fall into those 99%!
- Unit Tests should be placed in dhbw.karlsruhe.it.yourgame.junit and should be named like "ExampleJUnit"
- Unit Tests have to be added to the TestSuite (dhbw.karlsruhe.it.yourgame.junit). There's also a brief description provided
- Cucumber Steps should be placed in dhbw.karlsruhe.it.yourgame.junit.cucumber and should end with "CucumberSteps"
- Cucumber Feature Files should be placed in src/test/resources
- You must not add cucumber steps to neither the TestSuite nor the CukeRunnerJUnit!