This game is developed for personal, non-commercial use and is not meant to be distributed for commercial use. Michael Cox nor Templarius Games Studios LLC or any affiliated party make any revenue from this game.
Version: 1.5.1 Requires: Unity 2018.1.0f2 Build requires Samsung OS 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher. Untested on OS 8.1 (Oreo); issues with Always On Display may be present.
Tetris © 1985~2018 Tetris Holding.
Tetris logos, Tetris theme song and Tetriminos are trademarks of Tetris Holding. The Tetris trade dress is owned by Tetris Holding. Licensed to The Tetris Company. Tetris Game Design by Alexey Pajitnov. Tetris Logo Design by Roger Dean. All Rights Reserved.
This game is an unofficial build developed by Michael Cox of Templarius Games Studios LLC. This game is not licensed or endorsed by Tetris Holding.
This build is a build for personal use only and is not to be distributed on any platform outside of the Templarius Studios website as a project example. Do not share, upload, or distribute this build under any circumstances. This game is not for commercial sale, distribution, or use; Templarius Games Studios LLC, Michael Cox, nor any affiliated party make revenue from the creation of this game.
Developed and programmed by Michael Cox, based on Tetris NES.
Originally designed by Alexey Pajitnov.
"Korobeiniki on Piano" - performed by Dagmar Krug
"Tetris Theme" - performed by Michael Cox
"A Mad Russian's Christmas" - Trans Siberian Orchestra
"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" - Lindsay Stirling
"Fallen Angel" - Masayoshi Soken, Final Fantasy XIV OST
Special thanks to Leilani Gossett.
To install, once repository is cloned to local repository, open Unity and select the project folder (not the repository folder). The repository folder is "Tetris-Mobile" while the project folder is "Tetris Mobile".
Build is for personal use only; do not distribute under any circumstances. Build is for non-commercial use; do not use for commercial use.
Tetris Mobile.apk is present within repository. To load onto phone, connect phone to computer and download .apk file and install to preferred location on phone.
Once downloaded, locate .apk file in your phone's file explorer and tap on the file. (A warning regarding trusting the installer may come up. You may select to allow installation this once.) Once installation is complete, the app is successfully loaded onto the device.
To update mobile app, delete .apk file from file explorer (not the app) and download desired release to your phone. Then run the .apk file; the app will automatically update.
This is a personal project and is only intended for personal use. Special thanks to Leilani Gossett for making this project a reality. -Michael Cox.