Releases: AstraProtocol/explorer-fe
Releases · AstraProtocol/explorer-fe
1.1.0 (2023-03-31)
Bug Fixes
- add check undefined with data?.isInteractWithContract in tx detail (7e8bf98)
- add field isInteractWithContract in txdetail (f09e227)
- add logic show revert reason (f946f1c)
- add table background (bf4018e)
- duplicate react component key (b54bf0c)
- just display HEX tab when revertReason is UTF8 (782b788)
- missing import (3a13ba9)
- missing params in check Creation Contract (fb64bb4)
- move to use table on astra-ui (63e6db2)
- re-order gasUserByTransaction higer than max fee (66be673)
- remove tabs UTF8 when text is utf8 (bf6aa17)
- remove text Contract (a5b6bfd)
- remove unused icon (45648a8)
- show full txhash in SEO description (e9e147f)
- show internal transfer amount in from/to space (ca4435a)
- text interactWithContract when have isInteractWithContract in tx detail (40b8400)
- update astra-ui (469fd8f)
- update Indexing UI status transaction detail (3dfae44)
- update text display tx interactWithContract or create Contract (e1768cb)
- useSWRImmutable instead of useSwr in some data (5e9a678)
- show indexing status tx (7de5f20)
1.0.1 (2023-03-23)
Bug Fixes
- check empty data (2d359d9)
- convert address (8246dab)
- convert astra address to eth (9bcd889)
- get from/to from messages instead of account (7b2c5b1)
- missing transaction from/to in address tx list, wrong from/to (ed98b85)
- recalculate token transfers tx gas (4ed795b)
- refactor code (1bdee43)
- remove "inverted" attribute (f2a11e7)
- update Create tag token (4bbbdd8)
- update git ci node version (e68160f)
- update SEO title (45dc648)
- use ? for short if (56abed9)
- wording (58a4429)
1.0.0 (2023-03-16)
Bug Fixes
- [token]: handle error with API (e83be45)
- add amount for MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward (b459115)
- add astra-ui (a7c2e29)
- add default value formatEther with null/empty value (165bf53)
- add default value in setLatestBlock (fe1562d)
- add field in key for TokenTransaction row (3a01d16)
- add format number in GasFee, GasPrice (4f75e7e)
- add from/to in tx list + update MsgSend (afe453f)
- add line-numbers in code view (3f15e84)
- add loader for tabs (aa922c3)
- add more txn detail with multiple txn endpoint (0dacded)
- add MsgAcknowledgement (f93c9ea)
- add NFT inventory (c35678f)
- add structure + some common libs + ide config (4771c51)
- add support contract transaction (c777229)
- add switch between address from evm to cosmos in address detail (bcf9908)
- add value in tx MsgDelegate (20e935f)
- address internal tx with paging + scroll layout (d00a1f4)
- api get tx counter (b6829fc)
- api search endpoint (2c2879c)
- apply config txs hash split length + display link to from addres in token transfer row (9535bf1)
- astra-ui package (2546368)
- auto close SearchModal (cd13473)
- auto focus Search after click (ab09ef8)
- bug calculate TokenAmount (4ccfa23)
- bug copy text with ellipse (3d3bfb8)
- bug crash (69fa52d)
- bug import module (a25f831)
- bug logics (0605b66)
- bug not found contractMethodName (1a95a9e)
- bug not show validator name (2252626)
- bug reports (#20) (df1d1a3)
- bug wrong link tx in coinbalancehistory (afdc15e)
- bugs + logo + title (606fa3a)
- build (edadf27)
- calculate tx value in tx list (6e63d16)
- catch api call (3ffa80a)
- change attr name (d201f9e)
- change cosmos endpoint (af49759)
- change moment to dayjs (b1db06b)
- change step of chart (ec89689)
- change step of chart (1403c02)
- change text align (21363ef)
- change unit of Gas/Fee (05d5fd0)
- check null value get amount (7862f98)
- checkout amount = null (47c1a31)
- contract overview detail + remove uppercase func name (82ac9a5)
- convert bignumber to string (23becd6)
- convert string to number (e9b2737)
- convert toString for decode input (0471081)
- cosmos (bfbfa52)
- crash layout (2d0d71a)
- cumulativeGasUsed to gasUsed (697ef9b)
- default proposer name (0e4b8ca)
- disable call fetch latest-block-number when no need (1eb695d)
- disable Sentry for testnet (1984a2f)
- disable Sentry for testnet (1dbd818)
- disable switch theme button (edf0f38)
- disable switch theme button (5e182e8)
- display address balance_updated_at with NaN (7cc4256)
- display amount transfer with NFT + add sentry captureException (d651ed4)
- display bignumber value (047c6ac)
- display contract name in tx detail To field (744c1a7)
- display createdContractAddressName for contract in txdetail (1fe0c65)
- display evm Txhash for address transaction if exist (093fca9)
- display evmHash for evm tx in block detail (006c288)
- display fn Mint/Burn + NFT (2925ac4)
- display internal tx type when internal tx callType empty (4b2f9e7)
- display label Testnet/Mainnet in Navbar (4677bdf)
- display name for contract (6050506)
- display nft image + style nft instance in mobile (ea8bc52)