Releases: AstraProtocol/explorer-fe
Releases · AstraProtocol/explorer-fe
1.3.0 (2023-09-06)
Bug Fixes
- add limit for pagination (dae0828)
- break layout table decode on mobile (7db10e8)
- bug not show same contract code address (e1d3c76)
- catch error (0f88075)
- component was returned a string (26efbc6)
- component was returned string (6aec4a1)
- contract use address tx list api (513540a)
- decode contructor contract code cor-17 (b714b15)
- display Optimization enabled in contract code (18c68bb)
- error empty data in NFT instance (51df28a)
- error Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'Element' in TransactionTag (0c9f655)
- format number from wei (b916674)
- format tx value amount in txlist (9a7504d)
- hide tx type IN/OUT when empty from/to (64b9a44)
- hotfix decode hex to uft8 (c42098d)
- remove default currency transfer symbol in tab Transfer (/tx) COR-19 (c178527)
- show title text in address tx list (54c9b37)
- show verified contract (896b471)
- update getAddressLabel in some cases and write tests (ed0c648)
1.2.2 (2023-05-25)
Bug Fixes
- bug missing return value filter (ae5649b)
- convert BalancetoView format + write test (5142c26)
- display AstraIcon instead of ASA text in internal transfer call (668eb69)
- hide internal transfer call when tx was failed (164e8ed)
- update astra-ui package (7960f22)
- update fn (d45137c)
- update limit per page in pagination to 10 (c05f95c)
- update text (5742655)
- wrong calculate tx fee in Contract tx list (52d120c)
1.2.0 (2023-04-14)
Bug Fixes
- add implementation contract name + hash (contract overview) (75957d0)
- component CardInfo not use CopyButton from astra-ui (daf71a8)
- decode log items with undefined (95e45d5)
- display contract implementation text (e2810ae)
- update display currency of AccountAssets (7160c02)
- update display name with hash in ContractOverview (ec43430)
- update endpoint verify contract (e099d7a)
- use ApiList constant insteadof hardcode (a7eda38)
- use func isHex from web3-utils insteadof homemade (2b5157a)
- verify contract endpoint (4fa6b78)
- verify contract with new API endpoint + UX (900e986)
- wrong link when click address transfer internal (7a1a7b8)
- add Address Balance Tab (4c72fc7)