This is a project that uses AT Developer Portal's API(updated every 30 seconds) to predict the on-time behaviour of the Auckland bus. The codes and data here show the data capturing and cleaning in Python and R, the R shiny codes and the function used that create a dashboard, and the data used in the analysis and dashboard.
A descriptive data showcase can be found:
The main body of analysis: Python codes that capture the data. It was running on Google VPS previously.
Data_Cleaning.R: It includes 4 main parts:
Elementary data cleaning: querying, unlisting and extract the information
Match the stop information for stop and weather with data.table
Adding weekday with lubridate
Transform spatial data with sf: within 500 meters as "in"
Data_Cleaning.R: Shiny dashboard codes.
Get_data.R: the function used to clean real-time data for the Shiny app. Similar to Data_Cleaning.R.
des_plotting.RData: data used in the Shiny app for historical data.
AT data.RData: the data from 2022.01.01 to 2023.03.23 requested from AT. Not used in the main analysis, but may of potential use.