INA Speech Segmenter for Carbonate
Run the INA Speech Segmenter singularity container on IU's carbonate system
It requires a couple of things:
- the singularity container must be on carbonate
- the SSH keypair agreement must be signed for IU's HPC and a keypair with passphrase must be created & installed
The syntax for the command is:
usage: [-h] [--debug] [--quiet] [--nocleanup]
[--email EMAIL] [--memory MEMORY]
config input output
Run the inaspeech singularity container on carbonate and retrieve the results
positional arguments:
config Configuration file
input input audio file
output INA Speech Segmenter output
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug Turn on debugging
--quiet Turn off output
--nocleanup Don't clean up the remote directories
--email EMAIL Email address for status reports
--memory MEMORY Memory allocation request in GB
When this is run, a working directory is created for this particular instance and the input file copied to it. A job file is created and submitted to the slurm queueing system that will start the singularity container with the right parameters AND create a finished file that has the return code of the container. Then the program waits for the finished file to appear. When it does, the files are copied from the remote system to the destinations specified on the command line.