This is a cookie-cutter TODO list application. I know, todo lists are old and overused projects for learning, but Elixir In Action uses it and walks us through the architecture. This is why I'm replicating the code here.
As quoted from the book:
The problem is admittedly not spectacular, but it's complex enough to give you something to work on while not being overly complicated. This will allow you to focus on techniques without spending too much time trying to grasp the problem itself.
$ iex simple_todo.example
iex(1) > todo_list = |>
TodoList.add_entry(~D[2018-12-19], "Dentist") |>
TodoList.add_entry(~D[2018-12-20], "Shopping") |>
TodoList.add_entry(~D[2018-12-19], "Movies")
iex(2) > TodoList.entries(todo_list, ~DO[2018-12-19])
["Movies", "Dentist"]
iex(3) > TodoList.entries(todo_list, ~D[2018-12-18])
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding elixir_todo_list
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:elixir_todo_list, "~> 0.1.0"}
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