Component : Calendar Service This document explains how to use the calendar service component
Classes to be Copied : Copy the following classes from component folder
Note : Current classes are in the package com.pcs.calendarservice, these can either be copied to specified package or change them as per requirement.
Attendee : is the POJO for Attendee of an Event
CalendarEvent : is the POJO for CalendarEvent
CalendarService : is used for obtaining the below by passing context as parameter to reasCalendar method
- Add a new Calendar Event
- Delete a particular Event
- Edit a particular Event
- Getting list of Events from all the available Calendars
- Getting list of Attendees for a particular Event
- Adding list of Attendees for a particular Event
First we need to create an object for the class CalendarService as
CalendarService calService = new CalendarService(this);
- Add a new Calendar Event by passing title, start time, end time and description to
Syntax : addEvent(String title, long startTime, long endTime, String desc)
returns : eventId
of type long
- Delete a particular Event by passing eventId to
Syntax : deleteEvent(long eventId)
returns : No.of events deleted of type int
- Edit a particular Event by passing eventId, title, start time, end time and description to
Syntax : editCompleteEvent(long eventId, String title, long startTime, long endTime, String desc)
returns : No.of events edited of type int
- Edit a particular Event by passing eventId, title
Syntax : editEventTitle(long eventId, String title)
returns : No.of events edited of type int
- Edit a particular Event time by passing eventId, start time, end time and description to
Syntax : editEventTime(long eventId, long startTime, long endTime)
returns : No.of events edited of type int
- Edit a particular Event by passing eventId, description to
Syntax : editEventDescription(long eventId, String desc)
returns : No.of events edited of type int
- Getting list of Events from all the available Calendars by passing (days & hours)optional to
, will return List of CalendarEvents.
Syntax : readCalendar()
/ readCalendar(Context context, int days, int hours)
returns : List<CalendarEvent>
- Getting list of Attendees for a particular Event by passing eventId to
, will return the List of Attendees
Syntax : getAttendees(long eventId)
returns : List<Attendee>
- Adding list of Attendees for a particular Event by passing eventId and List of Attendees to
Syntax : addAttendees(long eventID, List<Attendee> attendees)
returns : void