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AldricJourdain committed Jan 8, 2024
2 parents 58747ad + e528067 commit 6670e5f
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Showing 7 changed files with 254 additions and 71 deletions.
48 changes: 41 additions & 7 deletions LobsterLang/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,17 +11,51 @@ import Parse
import Scope
import System.IO (isEOF)
import System.Exit (exitWith, ExitCode (ExitFailure))
import Compiler
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Exception
import SExpr (SExpr)
-- import Compiler

-- | Infinite loop until EOF from the user
inputLoop :: [Scope.ScopeMb] -> IO ()
inputLoop new = isEOF >>= \end -> if end then putStrLn "End of Interpretation GLaDOS" else
getLine >>= \line -> case parseLisp line new of
(Left err, _) -> putStrLn ("\ESC[31m\ESC[1mThe lobster is angry: " ++ err ++ "\ESC[0m") >> inputLoop new
(Right Nothing, stack) -> inputLoop stack
(Right (Just res), stack') -> print res >> inputLoop stack'
-- inputLoop = print
inputLoop stack = isEOF >>= \end -> if end then print "End of Interpretation GLaDOS" else
getLine >>= \line -> case runParser parseLisp (0, 0) line of
Left err -> print err >> exitWith (ExitFailure 84)
Right (res, _, _) -> interpretateInfo res stack

interpretateInfo :: [SExpr] -> [Scope.ScopeMb] -> IO ()
interpretateInfo [] _ = putStr ""
interpretateInfo (x:xs) stack = case interpretateLisp x stack of
Left err -> print err
Right (res, stack') -> case res of
Nothing -> interpretateInfo xs stack'
Just value -> print value >> print stack' >> interpretateInfo xs stack'

compileFile :: String -> IO ()
compileFile s = case runParser parseLisp (0, 0) s of
Left err -> print err >> exitWith (ExitFailure 84)
Right (res, _, _) -> interpretateInfo res []
-- (Right (Just res), stack') -> let instructions = (astToInstructions (AST.Cond (Boolean True) (Value 1) (Just (AST.Call "CallHere" [(Value 0)])))) in showInstructions instructions >> writeCompiledInstructionsToFile "output" (compileInstructions instructions)

checkArgs :: [String] -> IO ()
checkArgs ("-i": _) = print "Launch Interpreter" >> inputLoop []
checkArgs (file:_) = either
(\_ -> print "File doesn't exist" >> exitWith (ExitFailure 84))
=<< (try (readFile file) :: IO (Either SomeException String))
checkArgs _ = exitWith (ExitFailure 84)

-- | Main
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Start of Interpretation Lisp" >> inputLoop []
main = getArgs >>= \argv -> checkArgs argv
-- inputLoop new = isEOF >>= \end -> if end then putStrLn "End of Interpretation GLaDOS" else
-- getLine >>= \line -> case parseLisp line new of
-- (Left err, _) -> putStrLn ("\ESC[31m\ESC[1mThe lobster is angry: " ++ err ++ "\ESC[0m") >> inputLoop new
-- (Right Nothing, stack) -> inputLoop stack
-- (Right (Just res), stack') -> print res >> inputLoop stack'

-- -- | Main
-- main :: IO ()
-- main = putStrLn "Start of Interpretation Lisp" >> inputLoop []
186 changes: 122 additions & 64 deletions LobsterLang/src/Parse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ module Parse (
-- parseTuple,
) where

Expand All @@ -36,9 +40,15 @@ import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import qualified AstEval
import qualified AST
import qualified Scope
import GHC.IO.SubSystem (IoSubSystem(IoPOSIX))

type Col = Int
type Row = Int
type Position = (Int, Int)

data Parser a = Parser {
runParser :: String -> Maybe (a, String)
runParser :: Position -> String -> Either String (a, String, Position)


Expand All @@ -47,33 +57,33 @@ instance Functor Parser where
fmap fct parser =
\s -> case runParser parser s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (a, b) -> Just (fct a, b)
\pos s -> case runParser parser pos s of
Left err -> Left err
Right (a, b, c) -> Right (fct a, b, c)

-- | Instance Applicative of the data Parser
instance Applicative Parser where
pure result = Parser (\_ -> Just (result, ""))
-- pure result = Parser (\_ -> Left (result, "",))

(<*>) parserA parserB =
\s -> case runParser parserA s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (a, b) -> case runParser parserB b of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (a', b') -> Just (a a', b')
\pos s -> case runParser parserA pos s of
Left err -> Left err
Right (a, b, c) -> case runParser parserB c b of
Left err' -> Left err'
Right (a', b', c') -> Right (a a', b', c')

-- | Instance Alternative of the data Parser
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = Parser (const Nothing)
empty = Parser (\_ _ -> Left "Error on parsing")
(<|>) parserA parserB =
\s -> case runParser parserA s of
Nothing -> runParser parserB s
\pos s -> case runParser parserA pos s of
Left _ -> runParser parserB pos s
result -> result

Expand All @@ -84,9 +94,9 @@ instance Monad Parser where
a >>= b =
\s -> case runParser a s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (res, s') -> runParser (b res) s'
\pos s -> case runParser a pos s of
Left err -> Left err
Right (res, s', pos') -> runParser (b res) pos' s'

-- | Parse a character c
Expand All @@ -95,9 +105,10 @@ instance Monad Parser where
parseChar :: Char -> Parser Char
parseChar c = Parser (f c)
f :: Char -> String -> Maybe (Char, String)
f char (x:xs) = if char == x then Just (char, xs) else Nothing
f _ _ = Nothing
f :: Char -> Position -> String -> Either String (Char, String, Position)
f '\n' (row, col) (x:xs) = if '\n' == x then Right ('\n', xs, (row + 1, 0)) else Left ("Error on parsing on '" ++ show row ++ "' '" ++ show col)
f char (row, col) (x:xs) = if char == x then Right (char, xs, (row, col + 1)) else Left ("Error on parsing on '" ++ show row ++ "' '" ++ show col)
f _ (row, col) _ = Left ("Error on parsing on '" ++ show row ++ "' '" ++ show col)

-- | Parse with the first or the second parser
-- Takes two parsers
Expand All @@ -111,35 +122,36 @@ parseOr parserA parserB = parserA <|> parserB
parseAnd :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a, b)
parseAnd parserA parserB = Parser (f parserA parserB)
f :: Parser a -> Parser b -> String -> Maybe ((a, b), String)
f pA pB s = case runParser pA s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just resultA ->
runParser ((\b -> (fst resultA, b)) <$> pB) (snd resultA)
f :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Position -> String -> Either String ((a, b), String, Position)
f pA pB pos s = case runParser pA pos s of
Left err -> Left err
Right (res, s', pos') -> case runParser pB pos' s' of
Left err -> Left err
Right (res', s'', pos'') -> Right ((res, res'), s'', pos'')

-- | Parse with function after the two parsers
-- Takes two parsers and a function
-- Returns the result of the function with the result of the parseAnd
parseAndWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c
parseAndWith f' parserA parseB = Parser (f f' parserA parseB)
f :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser a -> Parser b ->String -> Maybe (c, String)
f f'' pA pB s = case runParser (parseAnd pA pB) s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ((a, b), s') -> Just (f'' a b, s')
f :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Position -> String -> Either String (c, String, Position)
f f'' pA pB pos s = case runParser (parseAnd pA pB) pos s of
Left err -> Left err
Right ((a, b), s', pos') -> Right (f'' a b, s', pos')

-- | Parse with a parser
-- Takes a parser
-- Returns the application of the parser (if nothing, returns an empty list)
parseMany :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
parseMany parserA = Parser (f parserA)
f :: Parser a -> String -> Maybe ([a], String)
f parser s = case runParser parser s of
Nothing -> Just ([] , s)
Just (a, b) -> case runParser (parseMany parser) b of
Nothing -> Just ([a], b)
Just (a', b') -> Just (a : a', b')
f :: Parser a -> Position -> String -> Either String ([a], String, Position)
f parser pos s = case runParser parser pos s of
Left _ -> Right ([], s, pos)
Right (res, s', pos') -> case runParser (parseMany parser) pos' s' of
Left _ -> Right ([res], s', pos')
Right (res', s'', pos'') -> Right (res : res', s'', pos'')

-- | Parse with a parser
-- Takes a parser
Expand All @@ -151,11 +163,10 @@ parseSome parser = (:) <$> parser <*> parseMany parser
parseUInt :: Parser Int
parseUInt = Parser f
f :: String -> Maybe (Int, String)
f s = case runParser (parseSome (parseAnyChar ['0'..'9'])) s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ([], _) -> Nothing
Just (a, b) -> Just (read a :: Int, b)
f :: Position -> String -> Either String (Int, String, Position)
f pos s = case runParser (parseSome parseDigit) pos s of
Left err -> Left err
Right (res, s', pos') -> Right (read res :: Int, s', pos')

-- | Return a data Parser that parse a '-' or '+'
parseSign :: Parser Char
Expand All @@ -172,14 +183,17 @@ parseDigit = parseChar '0' <|> parseChar '1' <|> parseChar '2' <|>
parseInt :: Parser Int
parseInt = Parser f
f :: String -> Maybe (Int, String)
f ('-':xs) = runParser ((\x -> -x) <$> parseUInt) xs
f s = runParser parseUInt s
f :: Position -> String -> Either String (Int, String, Position)
f pos ('-':xs) = runParser ((\x -> -x) <$> parseUInt) pos xs
f pos s = runParser parseUInt pos s

-- | Return a data Parser that parse multiple space
parseSpace :: Parser [Char]
parseSpace = parseMany (parseChar ' ')

parseLine :: Parser [Char]
parseLine = parseMany (parseChar '\n')

-- | Parse with a parser and, if possible with a space
-- Return a Parser that parse element with the given parser and, if possible with multiple space
parseElem :: Parser a -> Parser a
Expand All @@ -202,46 +216,90 @@ parseValue = Value <$> parseElem parseInt
parseList :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
parseList parser = parseStart *> parseListValue <* parseEnd
parseEnd = parseChar ')' <* parseSpace
parseListValue = parseSpace *> parseMany (parseElem parser)
parseEnd = parseChar ')' <* parseSpace <* parseLine
parseListValue = parseSpace *> parseMany (parseElem parser) <* parseSpace
parseStart = parseSpace *> parseChar '('

-- | Parse any characterfrom a String
-- | Parse any character from a String
-- Return a Parser that parse every character from a String
parseAnyChar :: String -> Parser Char
parseAnyChar s = Parser (f s)
f :: String -> String -> Maybe (Char, String)
f [] _ = Nothing
f (x:xs) s' = case parsed of
Nothing -> runParser (parseAnyChar xs) s'
f :: String -> Position -> String -> Either String (Char, String, Position)
f [] (row, col) _ = Left ("Error on parsing on '" ++ show row ++ "' '" ++ show col)
f (x:xs) pos s' = case parsed of
Left _ -> runParser (parseAnyChar xs) pos s'
_ -> parsed
parsed = runParser (parseOr (parseChar x) (parseChar c)) s'
parsed = runParser (parseOr (parseChar x) (parseChar c)) pos s'
c = case xs of
[] -> '\0'
_ -> head xs

-- | Parse a specific String
parseAnyString :: String -> Parser String
parseAnyString s = Parser (f s s)
f :: String -> String -> Position -> String -> Either String (String, String, Position)
f (x:xs) str pos s' = case runParser (parseChar x) pos s' of
Left err -> Left err
Right (_, s'', pos') -> f xs str pos' s''
f [] str pos s' = Right (str, s', pos)

-- | Return a Parser that parse a Bool (#f or #t)
parseBool :: Parser Bool
parseBool = parseElem (Parser f)
parseBool = parseElem (parseTrue <|> parseFalse)

-- | Return a PArser that parse a True (in lisp -> #t)
parseTrue :: Parser Bool
parseTrue = Parser f
f :: Position -> String -> Either String (Bool, String, Position)
f pos s = case runParser (parseAnyString "#t") pos s of
Left err -> Left err
Right (_, s', pos') -> Right (True, s', pos')

-- | Return a PArser that parse a True (in lisp -> #f)
parseFalse :: Parser Bool
parseFalse = Parser f
f :: String -> Maybe (Bool, String)
f ('#':'f':' ':xs) = Just (False, xs)
f ('#':'t':' ':xs) = Just (True, xs)
f _ = Nothing
f :: Position -> String -> Either String (Bool, String, Position)
f pos s = case runParser (parseAnyString "#f") pos s of
Left err -> Left err
Right (_, s', pos') -> Right (False, s', pos')

-- | Return a Parser that parse a SExpr
parseSExpr :: Parser SExpr
parseSExpr = List <$> parseList (parseSpace *> parseValue <|> parseSymbol <|> parseSpace *> parseSExpr)
<|> parseSymbol
<|> parseValue
parseSExpr =
parseSpace *> parseSymbol <|>
parseSpace *> parseValue <|>
List <$> parseList (parseSpace *> parseValue <|> parseSpace *> parseSymbol <|> parseSpace *> parseSExpr) <* parseSpace

parseLisp :: Parser [SExpr]
parseLisp = parseSome parseSExpr

-- | Return a Result that contain the evaluation of our Lisp String
-- Takes as parameter the string that need to be evaluated and the Stack (Environment)
parseLisp :: String -> [Scope.ScopeMb] -> (Either String (Maybe AST.Ast), [Scope.ScopeMb])
parseLisp s stack = case runParser parseSExpr s of
Nothing -> (Left "Input is unparsable", [])
Just (res, _) -> case AstEval.sexprToAst res of
Nothing -> (Left "Cannot convert input in AST", [])
Just value -> AstEval.evalAst stack value
interpretateLisp :: SExpr -> [Scope.ScopeMb] -> Either String (Maybe AST.Ast, [Scope.ScopeMb])
interpretateLisp value stack = case AstEval.sexprToAst value of
Nothing -> Left "Error on evaluation"
Just res -> case AstEval.evalAst stack res of
(Left err, _) -> Left err
(Right res', stack') -> Right (res', stack')

-- -- Right (Nothing, stack) -> (if stack == new then print "***ERROR" >> exitWith (ExitFailure 84) else inputLoop stack)
-- - Right (res, stack') -> print res >> inputLoop stack'
-- Right (_, stack') -> interpretateLisp xs stack' stack
-- interpretateLisp s stack new = case runParser (parseSome parseSExpr) (0, 0) s of
-- Left err -> Left err
-- Right (res, s', _) -> case AstEval.sexprToAst res of
-- Nothing -> Left "Error on evaluation"
-- Just value -> case AstEval.evalAst stack value of
-- (Nothing, stack') -> (if stack == new then Left "Error on evaluation" else parseLisp s' stack' new)
-- (_, stack'') -> parseLisp s' stack'' new
-- parseLisp :: String -> [Scope.ScopeMb] -> (Either String (Maybe AST.Ast), [Scope.ScopeMb])
-- parseLisp s stack = case runParser parseSExpr s of
-- Nothing -> (Left "Input is unparsable", [])
-- Just (res, _) -> case AstEval.sexprToAst res of
-- Nothing -> (Left "Cannot convert input in AST", [])
-- Just value -> AstEval.evalAst stack value

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