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tzhengtek authored Jan 14, 2024
2 parents 51919de + 6c3f3ae commit ac59ff1
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Showing 16 changed files with 290 additions and 283 deletions.
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions .github/workflows/Deploy.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,14 +38,12 @@ jobs:
uses: haskell-actions/setup@v2
enable-stack: true
- name: Install documentation
run: sudo apt-get install haskell-platform-doc && sudo apt-get install ghc-doc
- name: Create documentation
run: haddock -ohtml --html LobsterLang/src/*
run: stack haddock --haddock-arguments "-ohtml"
- name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
uses: crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v4
target_branch: gh-pages
build_dir: html
build_dir: LobsterLang/html
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions LobsterLang/LobsterLang.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ cabal-version: 2.2
-- see:

name: LobsterLang
description: Please see the README on GitHub at <>
version: 1.0
description: Please see the README on GitHub at <>
author: Author name here
maintainer: [email protected]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ test-suite LobsterLang-test
Expand Down
53 changes: 31 additions & 22 deletions LobsterLang/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,14 +13,20 @@ import System.IO (isEOF)
import System.Exit (exitWith, ExitCode (ExitFailure))
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import qualified AstEval
import qualified AstOptimizer
import qualified Compiler
import Control.Exception
import qualified AST
-- import Compiler
import AstOptimizer (optimizeAst)

lobsterNotHappy :: String -> String -> String -> String
lobsterNotHappy color state str = "\ESC[" ++ color ++ "m\ESC[1mThe lobster is " ++ state ++ ": " ++ str ++ "\ESC[0m"

-- | Return a Result that contain the evaluation of our Lisp String
-- Takes as parameter the string that need to be evaluated and the Stack (Environment)
interpretateLisp :: AST.Ast -> [Scope.ScopeMb] -> Either String (Maybe AST.Ast, [Scope.ScopeMb])
interpretateLisp value stack = case AstEval.evalAst stack value of
interpretateLobster :: AST.Ast -> [Scope.ScopeMb] -> Either String (Maybe AST.Ast, [Scope.ScopeMb])
interpretateLobster value stack = case AstEval.evalAst stack value of
(Left err, _) -> Left err
(Right res', stack') -> Right (res', stack')

Expand All @@ -29,40 +35,43 @@ inputLoop :: [Scope.ScopeMb] -> IO ()
-- inputLoop = print
inputLoop stack = isEOF >>= \end -> if end then print "End of Interpretation GLaDOS" else
getLine >>= \line -> case runParser parseLobster (0, 0) line of
Left err -> putStrLn ("\ESC[34m\ESC[1mThe lobster is angry: " ++ err ++ "\ESC[0m") >> inputLoop stack
Left err -> putStrLn (lobsterNotHappy "34" "angry" err) >> inputLoop stack
Right (res, [], _) -> interpretateInfo res stack
Right (_, _, pos) -> putStrLn ("\ESC[34m\ESC[1mThe lobster is angry: " ++ errorParsing pos ++ "\ESC[0m") >> inputLoop stack
Right (_, _, pos) -> putStrLn (lobsterNotHappy "31" "angry" (errorParsing pos)) >> inputLoop stack

interpretateInfo :: [AST.Ast] -> [Scope.ScopeMb] -> IO ()
interpretateInfo [] stack = inputLoop stack
interpretateInfo (x:xs) stack = case interpretateLisp x stack of
Left err -> putStrLn ("\ESC[31m\ESC[1mThe lobster is angry: " ++ err ++ "\ESC[0m") >> inputLoop stack
interpretateInfo (x:xs) stack = case interpretateLobster x stack of
Left err -> putStrLn (lobsterNotHappy "31" "angry" err) >> inputLoop stack
Right (res, stack') -> case res of
Nothing -> interpretateInfo xs stack'
Just value -> print value >> interpretateInfo xs stack'

compileInfo :: [AST.Ast] -> [Scope.ScopeMb] -> IO ()
compileInfo [] _ = putStr ""
compileInfo (x:xs) stack = case interpretateLisp x stack of
Left err -> putStrLn ("\ESC[31m\ESC[1mThe lobster is angry: " ++ err ++ "\ESC[0m") >> exitWith (ExitFailure 84)
Right (res, stack') -> case res of
Nothing -> compileInfo xs stack'
Just value -> print value >> compileInfo xs stack'
checkCompileInfo :: [Either AstOptimizer.AstError AstOptimizer.AstOptimised] -> [Either AstOptimizer.AstError AstOptimizer.AstOptimised] -> IO [Either AstOptimizer.AstError AstOptimizer.AstOptimised]
checkCompileInfo [] list = return list
checkCompileInfo (x:xs) list = case x of
Left (AstOptimizer.Error err ast) -> putStrLn (lobsterNotHappy "31" "angry" (err ++ " caused by: " ++ show ast)) >> checkCompileInfo xs (list ++ [x])
Right (AstOptimizer.Result _) -> checkCompileInfo xs (list ++ [x])
Right (AstOptimizer.Warning warning ast) -> putStrLn (lobsterNotHappy "33" "worried" (warning ++ " optimize to" ++ show ast)) >> checkCompileInfo xs (list ++ [x])

compileFile :: String -> IO ()
compileFile s = case runParser parseLobster (0, 0) s of
Left err -> print err >> exitWith (ExitFailure 84)
Right (res, [], _) -> print res >> compileInfo res []
Right (_, _, (row, col)) -> print ("Error on parsing on '" ++ show row ++ "' '" ++ show col)
-- (Right (Just res), stack') -> let instructions = (astToInstructions (AST.Cond (Boolean True) (Value 1) (Just (AST.Call "CallHere" [(Value 0)])))) in showInstructions instructions >> writeCompiledInstructionsToFile "output" (compileInstructions instructions)
compileInfo :: String -> [AST.Ast] -> [Scope.ScopeMb] -> IO ()
compileInfo _ [] _ = putStr ""
compileInfo filename list stack = checkCompileInfo (optimizeAst stack list False) [] >>= \res -> case sequence res of
Left _ -> exitWith (ExitFailure 84)
Right value -> Compiler.compile (map AstOptimizer.fromOptimised value) (filename ++ ".o") True

compileFile :: String -> String -> IO ()
compileFile file s = case runParser parseLobster (0, 0) s of
Left err -> print err >> exitWith (ExitFailure 84)
Right (res, [], _) -> compileInfo file res []
Right (_, _, pos) -> putStrLn (lobsterNotHappy "34" "angry" (errorParsing pos))

checkArgs :: [String] -> IO ()
checkArgs [] = print "Launch Interpreter" >> inputLoop []
checkArgs (file:_) = either
(\_ -> print "File doesn't exist" >> exitWith (ExitFailure 84))
=<< (try (readFile file) :: IO (Either SomeException String))
(compileFile file)
=<< (try (readFile file) :: IO (Either SomeException String))

-- | Main
main :: IO ()
Expand Down
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion LobsterLang/src/AstOptimizer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@

module AstOptimizer
( optimizeAst,
AstError (..),
AstOptimised (..),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +56,14 @@ optimizeAst stack ((Define n ast) : xs) inFunc = case optimizeAst stack [ast] in
| inFunc -> Right (Result (Define n opAst)) : optimizeAst stack xs inFunc
| otherwise -> Left (Error ('S' : 'y' : 'm' : 'b' : 'o' : 'l' : ' ' : '\'' : xs') (Define n opAst)) : optimizeAst stack xs inFunc
(Left err, _) -> Left (Error err (Define n opAst)) : optimizeAst stack xs inFunc
[Right (Warning mes opAst)] -> Right (Warning mes (Define n opAst)) : optimizeAst stack xs inFunc
[Right (Warning mes opAst)] -> case evalAst stack (Define n opAst) of
(Right _, stack') -> Right (Warning mes (Define n opAst)) : optimizeAst stack' xs inFunc
(Left ('R' : 'e' : 'c' : 'u' : 'r' : 's' : 'i' : 'o' : 'n' : _), stack') ->
Right (Warning "Possible infinite recursion" (Define n opAst)) : optimizeAst stack' xs inFunc
(Left ('S' : 'y' : 'm' : 'b' : 'o' : 'l' : ' ' : '\'' : xs'), _)
| inFunc -> Right (Result (Define n opAst)) : optimizeAst stack xs inFunc
| otherwise -> Left (Error ('S' : 'y' : 'm' : 'b' : 'o' : 'l' : ' ' : '\'' : xs') (Define n opAst)) : optimizeAst stack xs inFunc
(Left err, _) -> Left (Error err (Define n opAst)) : optimizeAst stack xs inFunc
_ -> shouldntHappen stack (Define n ast : xs) inFunc
optimizeAst stack ((Symbol s Nothing) : xs) inFunc
| inFunc = Right (Result (Symbol s Nothing)) : optimizeAst stack xs inFunc
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions LobsterLang/src/Parse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,10 @@ module Parse (
) where

import qualified AST
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,7 +425,7 @@ parseComment :: Parser Char
parseComment = parseChar '#' *> Parser f
f :: Position -> String -> Either String (Char, String, Position)
f (row, col) ('\n':xs) = Right ('\n', xs, (row + 1, col))
f (row, _) ('\n':xs) = Right ('\n', xs, (row + 1, 0))
f (row, col) "" = Right ('\n', "", (row, col + 1))
f (row, col) (_:xs) = f (row, col + 1) xs

Expand Down
159 changes: 86 additions & 73 deletions LobsterLang/src/Vm.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ type Stack = [Value]
type Inst = [Instruction]
type Arg = [Value]
type Func = [Instruction]
type Env = [(String, Value)]
type Env = [(String, Value, Int)]

makeOperation :: Operator -> Stack -> Either String Stack
makeOperation Add stack = case Stack.pop stack of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,89 +326,102 @@ isBoolVal :: Maybe Value -> Bool
isBoolVal (Just (BoolVal _)) = True
isBoolVal _ = False

isInEnv :: String -> Env -> Maybe Value
isInEnv _ [] = Nothing
isInEnv s (xs:as)
| fst xs == s = Just (snd xs)
| fst xs /= s = isInEnv s as
isInEnv _ _ = Nothing
isInEnv :: String -> Int -> Env -> Maybe Value
isInEnv _ _ [] = Nothing
isInEnv s d ((name, val, depth):as)
| name == s && (depth == 0 || depth == d) = Just val
| otherwise = isInEnv s d as

updateInEnv :: String -> Int -> Value -> Env -> Env
updateInEnv _ _ _ [] = []
updateInEnv s d nv ((name, val, depth):as)
| name == s && (depth == 0 || depth == d) = (name, nv, depth) : as
| otherwise = (name, val, depth) : updateInEnv s d nv as

clearUntilDepth :: Env -> Int -> Env
clearUntilDepth [] _ = []
clearUntilDepth ((name, val, depth):as) d
| depth > d = clearUntilDepth as d
| otherwise = (name, val, depth):as

createList :: Int -> Stack -> [Value] -> (Stack, [Value])
createList 0 stack val = (stack, val)
createList n stack val = case Stack.pop stack of
(Nothing, _) -> (stack, val)
(Just x, stack1) -> createList (n - 1) stack1 (val ++ [x])

exec :: Env -> Arg -> Inst -> Stack -> Either String Value
exec _ _ (Call : _) [] = Left "Error: stack is empty"
exec env arg (Call : xs) stack = case Stack.pop stack of
(Nothing, _) -> Left "Error: stack is empty"
exec :: Int -> Env -> Arg -> Inst -> Stack -> (Either String Value, Env)
exec _ _ _ (Call : _) [] = (Left "Error: stack is empty", [])
exec depth env arg (Call : xs) stack = case Stack.pop stack of
(Nothing, _) -> (Left "Error: stack is empty", env)
(Just (Op x), stack1) -> case makeOperation x stack1 of
Left err -> Left err
Right newstack -> exec env arg xs newstack
(Just (Function body 0), stack1) -> case exec env [] body [] of
Left err -> Left err
Right val -> exec env arg xs (Stack.push stack1 val)
Left err -> (Left err, env)
Right newstack -> exec depth env arg xs newstack
(Just (Function body 0), stack1) -> case exec (depth + 1) env [] body [] of
(Left err, _) -> (Left err, env)
(Right val, env') -> exec depth (clearUntilDepth env' depth) arg xs (Stack.push stack1 val)
(Just (Function body nb), stack1) -> case Stack.pop stack1 of
(Just (IntVal nb'), stack2)
| nb' == 0 -> exec env arg xs (Stack.push stack2 (Function body nb))
| nb < nb' -> Left "Error: too much arguments given"
| nb' == 0 -> exec depth env arg xs (Stack.push stack2 (Function body nb))
| nb < nb' -> (Left "Error: too much arguments given", env)
| otherwise -> case Stack.pop stack2 of
(Just v, stack3) -> exec env arg (Call:xs)
(Just v, stack3) -> exec depth env arg (Call:xs)
(Stack.push stack3 (IntVal (nb' - 1)))
(Function (Push v:PutArg:body) (nb - 1)))
(Nothing, _) -> Left "Error: stack is empty"
(_, _) -> Left "Error: stack is invalid for a function call"
(Just a, _) -> Left ("Error: not an Operation or a function " ++ show a)
exec _ [] (PushArg _:_) _ = Left "Error: no Arg"
exec env arg (PushArg x:xs) stack
| x < 0 = Left "Error index out of range"
| x >= length arg = Left "Error: index out of range"
| otherwise = exec env arg xs (Stack.push stack (arg !! x))
exec env arg (PushList x:xs) stack
| x < 0 = Left "Error: index out of range"
| x > length stack = Left "Error: index out of range"
| otherwise = exec env arg xs (ListVal (snd (createList x stack [])) : (fst (createList x stack [])))
exec [] _ (PushEnv _:_) _ = Left "Error: no Env"
exec env arg (PushEnv x:xs) stack = case isInEnv x env of
Nothing -> Left "Error: not in environment"
Just (BoolVal b) -> exec env arg (Push (BoolVal b):xs) stack
Just (IntVal i) -> exec env arg (Push (IntVal i):xs) stack
Just (CharVal c) -> exec env arg (Push (CharVal c):xs) stack
Just (StringVal str) -> exec env arg (Push (StringVal str):xs) stack
Just (Op op) -> exec env arg (Push (Op op):xs) stack
Just (Function func nb) -> exec env arg (Push (Function func nb):xs) stack
Just (ListVal list) -> exec env arg (Push (ListVal list):xs) stack
exec env arg (Push val:xs) stack = exec env arg xs (Stack.push stack val)
exec env arg (PutArg:xs) stack = case Stack.pop stack of
(Nothing, _) -> Left "Error: stack is empty"
(Just val, stack1) -> exec env (arg ++ [val]) xs stack1
exec env arg (JumpIfFalse val:xs) stack
| Prelude.null xs = Left "Error: no jump possible"
| Prelude.null stack = Left "Error: stack is empty"
| val < 0 = Left "Error: invalid jump value"
| val > length xs = Left "Error: invalid jump value"
| not (isBoolVal ( stack)) = Left "Error: not bool"
| (head stack) == BoolVal True = exec env arg xs stack
| otherwise = exec env arg (Prelude.drop val xs) stack
exec env arg (JumpIfTrue val:xs) stack
| Prelude.null xs = Left "Error: no jump possible"
| Prelude.null stack = Left "Error: stack is empty"
| val < 0 = Left "Error: invalid jump value"
| val > length xs = Left "Error: invalid jump value"
| not (isBoolVal ( stack)) = Left "Error: not bool"
| (head stack) == BoolVal False = exec env arg xs stack
| otherwise = exec env arg (Prelude.drop val xs) stack
exec env arg (Jump val:xs) stack
| Prelude.null xs = Left "Error: no jump possible"
| val < 0 = Left "Error: invalid jump value"
| val > length xs = Left "Error: invalid jump value"
| otherwise = exec env arg (Prelude.drop val xs) stack
exec env arg (Define str:xs) stack = case Stack.pop stack of
(Nothing, _) -> Left "Error: stack is empty"
(Just val, stack1) -> exec (env ++ [(str, val)]) arg xs stack1
exec _ _ (Ret : _) stack = case stack of
Just x -> Right x
Nothing -> Left "Error: stack is empty"
exec _ _ [] _ = Left "list no instruction found"
(Nothing, _) -> (Left "Error: stack is empty", env)
(_, _) -> (Left "Error: stack is invalid for a function call", env)
(Just a, _) -> (Left ("Error: not an Operation or a function " ++ show a), env)
exec _ _ [] (PushArg _:_) _ = (Left "Error: no Arg", [])
exec depth env arg (PushArg x:xs) stack
| x < 0 = (Left "Error index out of range", env)
| x >= length arg = (Left "Error: index out of range", env)
| otherwise = exec depth env arg xs (Stack.push stack (arg !! x))
exec depth env arg (PushList x:xs) stack
| x < 0 = (Left "Error: index out of range", env)
| x > length stack = (Left "Error: index out of range", env)
| otherwise = exec depth env arg xs (ListVal (snd (createList x stack [])) : (fst (createList x stack [])))
exec _ [] _ (PushEnv _:_) _ = (Left "Error: no Env", [])
exec depth env arg (PushEnv x:xs) stack = case isInEnv x depth env of
Nothing -> (Left "Error: not in environment", env)
Just (BoolVal b) -> exec depth env arg (Push (BoolVal b):xs) stack
Just (IntVal i) -> exec depth env arg (Push (IntVal i):xs) stack
Just (CharVal c) -> exec depth env arg (Push (CharVal c):xs) stack
Just (StringVal str) -> exec depth env arg (Push (StringVal str):xs) stack
Just (Op op) -> exec depth env arg (Push (Op op):xs) stack
Just (Function func nb) -> exec depth env arg (Push (Function func nb):xs) stack
Just (ListVal list) -> exec depth env arg (Push (ListVal list):xs) stack
exec depth env arg (Push val:xs) stack = exec depth env arg xs (Stack.push stack val)
exec depth env arg (PutArg:xs) stack = case Stack.pop stack of
(Nothing, _) -> (Left "Error: stack is empty", env)
(Just val, stack1) -> exec depth env (arg ++ [val]) xs stack1
exec depth env arg (JumpIfFalse val:xs) stack
| Prelude.null xs = (Left "Error: no jump possible", env)
| Prelude.null stack = (Left "Error: stack is empty", env)
| val < 0 = (Left "Error: invalid jump value", env)
| val > length xs = (Left "Error: invalid jump value", env)
| not (isBoolVal ( stack)) = (Left "Error: not bool", env)
| head stack == BoolVal True = exec depth env arg xs stack
| otherwise = exec depth env arg (Prelude.drop val xs) stack
exec depth env arg (JumpIfTrue val:xs) stack
| Prelude.null xs = (Left "Error: no jump possible", env)
| Prelude.null stack = (Left "Error: stack is empty", env)
| val < 0 = (Left "Error: invalid jump value", env)
| val > length xs = (Left "Error: invalid jump value", env)
| not (isBoolVal ( stack)) = (Left "Error: not bool", env)
| head stack == BoolVal False = exec depth env arg xs stack
| otherwise = exec depth env arg (Prelude.drop val xs) stack
exec depth env arg (Jump val:xs) stack
| Prelude.null xs = (Left "Error: no jump possible", env)
| val < 0 = (Left "Error: invalid jump value", env)
| val > length xs = (Left "Error: invalid jump value", env)
| otherwise = exec depth env arg (Prelude.drop val xs) stack
exec depth env arg (Define str:xs) stack = case Stack.pop stack of
(Nothing, _) -> (Left "Error: stack is empty", env)
(Just val, stack1) -> case isInEnv str depth env of
Nothing -> exec depth ((str, val, depth):env) arg xs stack1
_ -> exec depth (updateInEnv str depth val env) arg xs stack1
exec _ env _ (Ret : _) stack = case stack of
Just x -> (Right x, env)
Nothing -> (Left "Error: stack is empty", env)
exec _ _ _ [] _ = (Left "list no instruction found", [])
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LobsterLang/test/AstOptimizerSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -162,4 +162,4 @@ spec = do
it "Infinite recursion" $ do
optimizeAst [Variable "eh" (FunctionValue ["x"] (Symbol "eh" (Just [Symbol "x" Nothing])) Nothing) 0] [Symbol "eh" (Just [AST.Value 1])] False `shouldBe` [Right (Warning "Possible infinite recursion" (Symbol "eh" (Just [AST.Value 1])))]
it "Infinite recursion in define" $ do
optimizeAst [Variable "eh" (FunctionValue ["x"] (Symbol "eh" (Just [Symbol "x" Nothing])) Nothing) 0] [Define "a" (Symbol "eh" (Just [AST.Value 1]))] False `shouldBe` [Right (Warning "Possible infinite recursion" (Define "a" (Symbol "eh" (Just [AST.Value 1]))))]
optimizeAst [Variable "eh" (FunctionValue ["x"] (Symbol "eh" (Just [Symbol "x" Nothing])) Nothing) 0] [Define "a" (Symbol "eh" (Just [AST.Value 1]))] False `shouldBe` [Right (Warning "Possible infinite recursion" (Define "a" (Symbol "eh" (Just [Value 1]))))]

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