Self Explanatory
#CS361-Microservice We will primarily use sockets as our pipeline.
How to Request Data: Simply run my microservice and connect to the server it creates at PORT 1080 of localhost. Send a string of items delimited by spaces (this can be subject to change if inconvenient). The first word of the string must be a keword that tells the serice what to do.
If you want to request data from a file:
- Send the string "GET {filename}" to the server
- Must be a file that exists
- Example: stream.write("GET Downloads\file.txt".as_bytes())
If you want to save the current current list of stocks:
- Send the string "POST {filename} {stock1} {stock2} {stock3} ..." to the server
- File will be overwritten if it exists
- Can only send up to 1024 bytes/characters of data (based on partner specifications, negotiable)
- Example: stream.write("POST input.txt AAA EEE OOO WOW".as_bytes())
If you want to close the microservice:
- Send the string "EXIT" to the server
- This is so that the microservice can easily exit without user having to manually close terminal
How to Receive Data: The microservice will send data back to you with the appropriate response. The GET function will send the data of a file in the format "{stock1}\n {stock2}\n {stock3}\n" All other functions will simply send bakc a confirmation message. Use