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You can login with these 4 usernames/passwords:
- Sarah / Sarah123
- Ben / Ben123
- Henry / Henry123
- Remy / Remy123
The development tools are:
- NodeJs - JS core
- NPM - dependencies manager
- Git - version control manager
- Grunt - Task runner
- Bower - client-side libraries manager
- Karma - Test Executer
- PhantomJS - Test Browser
- Compass - preprocessor SASS
- Angular - MVC JS Framework
- Bootstrap - CSS Toolkit
Prerequisites for dev environment:
- NodeJS v0.10.x+ and NPM v2.1.0+ installed
- Python 2.7+
- Gem 2.0.14+
- Compass 1.0.3+
Clone the Git Repository
git clone https://github.com/BabOuDev/ByndApp
Install node dependencies
npm install
Install bower dependencies
bower install
Run Grunt default task to build everything
Run the Server
grunt serve
grunt serve:dist
Run the unit tests with karma.
grunt test