Releases: BackofenLab/IntaRNA
Releases · BackofenLab/IntaRNA
3.4.1 - bugfix explizit seeds and seed order check
- BUGFIX : seed order check was buggy
- BUGFIX : explizit seed : wrong direction of query base pair parsing (thanks to @Tim15-tech, fixes #220 )
3.4.0 - pfscale + bugfix accessibility constraints
- new arguments
for sequence-specific ViennaRNA pf_scale parameter used
to scale partition functions for ED value computation to avoid overflows - BUGFIX : when using sequence subset selection in combination with precomputed
accessibilities from file, wrong accessibilities were loaded for the selected
sequences - BUGFIX : seed-extension-based predictions (default prediction mode) were not
heeding accessibility constraints - BUGFIX : query accessibility constraints were applied in reversed indexing
3.3.2 - bugfix IntaRNAhelix
- compilation fix: correcting shared variables for parallelization
- BUGFIX debug check
- BUGFIX IntaRNAhelix traceback of helices where seed is not at right end
3.3.1 - bugfix FASTA parsing
- BUGFIX: empty lines with white spaces within FASTA input were causing parsing
3.3.0 - pairwise sequence processing
enables pairwise sequence processing instead of all-vs-all- input range for
is now +-2,000,000,000 (was +-9,999,999) to enable genomic position settings
3.2.2 - bugfix release
- BUGFIX: maximal interaction length correction for precomputed accessibility
data was one to large (wrong dangling end computation for maximally long RRIs)
(thanks to Sabine Reisser) - BUGFIX: explicit seed encodings within last 7 nucleotides (seedBP) were
ignored (thanks to Sebastian Holler) - BUGFIX: outNoLP option was not correctly implemented (missing recursion cases)
and was thus missing interactions - BUGFIX: osx: configure adaptation to old grep version in osx
3.2.1 - bugfix release
- support for multi-seq input when
given - BUGFIX: Andronescu07 energy parameter set was not loaded by name without file
was not fully implemented - BUILDFIX: non-global import of boost::bind to avoid warnings/problems with recent boost library version
CopomuS :
- exit value 0 if no favorable interaction was found
3.2.0 - CopomuS + fixed accessibility constraints
- BUGFIX: accessibility blocking constraints were only applied to seed location
- improved Zall estimate (and depending values) for
(default) - new arguments:
: optional id (FASTA prefix) setup for sequence namingacc|accW|accL
: meta accessibility setup for both query and targetintLenMax|intLoopMax
: meta interaction and interior loop length setup
- Compensatory mutation selector to support interaction validation experiments
3.1.5 - bugfix bulged seeds with noLP
IntaRNA :
- bugfix traceback of interactions with seed on right-boundary
- bugfix traceback of seeds with bulges when outNoLP present
3.1.4 - bugfix and extend bulged seed handling + `IntaRNA_CSV_p-value.R`
- bugfix generation and tracing of seeds with bulges and no GU ends (combination of
> 0) - bugfix seed-extension prediction for seeds with bulges (
> 0) outNoLP
for seeds with bulges enabled (seed?MaxUP
> 0)
auxiliary R scripts
script to estimate p-values based on energy valuesIntaRNA_plotRegions.R
= renaming of formerplotRegions.R