A UI Wrapper for orbis-image2gnf.exe, Which itself converts *.bmp, *.dds, *.exr, *.gnf, *.hdr, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.pfm, *.pic, *.png, *.psd, *.tga, *.tif into the prepiratry(and native) GNF texture format for the PS4/5
- You'll need either The SDK installed(& Environment Variables Set) or put orbis-image2gnf.exe, libSceGnm.dll, libSceGpuAddress.dll, libSceTextureTool.dll in the data folder.
Sinply drag and drop either the images or the folder containing the images into the listbox or use the provided add buttons to add a file/folder and hit start, opntionally you can change settings via the settings button.