All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Iterate over every endpoints instead of using first element
- Use git-cliff to generate
- Extract URL configured in the bb exporter service monitor
- Add pingdom source of alerts
- Fetch detailed checks information
- Bump version 0.4.0
- Fix typo and bump version returned by --version flag
- Update README for the prometheus filters flag
- Update changelog and bump version to v0.3.0
- Flag typo
- Remove newline in changelog format
- Adding prometheus filters cli argument
- Add renovate.json
- Lint files
- Improve Cloudwatch HTML template
- Bump version 0.2.2
- Broken install resulting in ModuleNotFoundError
- Add real
- Add cli configuration
- Prepare 0.1.1 release
- Cli description
- Select the correct context
- Scroll issue with database fixedHeader
- Scroll offset
- Generate skeleton using CookieCutter
- Generate skeleton using CookieCutter
- Add CloudWatch base
- Working CloudWatch source; Iterate over all available regions
- Get prom rules from current kube context
- Implement jinja templating logic
- New HTML jinja2 template
- Add markdown template
- Add pre-commit hooks and pyproject
- Let user choose log level
- Replace table footer with fixedHeader
- Add summary column, remove type
- Improve jinja spacing
- Add yaml template
- Add CSV template
- Remove unused files
- Add project info
- Remove