1. Sudoku
- Constraint propagation to solve a sudoku (diagonal and naked twins)
2. Game Agent
- Minimax algorithm is implemented
- Minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning with iterative deepening is implemented
- 3 custom heuristics are implemented and compared
- Research review of Game Tree Searching by Min/Max Approximation is written
- Sketchnotes MiniMax and AlphaBeta Pruning
- The 3 given air cargo problems are implemented
- Uninformed planning algorthims implemented: -- Breath-first-search -- Depth-first-search -- Uniform-cost-search
- A-Star search is implemented using automatic heuristics
- provide optiomal sequence for each problem
- Sketchnotes Solving Search Problems with AI
- Model selection techniques BIC, DIC and K-fold Cross Validation are used
- Trained a set of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) using part of a preprocessed dataset of tracked hand and nose positions extracted from video to try and identify individual words from test sequences.
- Sketchnotes for HMMs
- Built an algorithm to identify canine breed given an image of a dog. If given image of a human, the algorithm identifies a resembling dog breed.
- Sketchnotes for Neural Networks
- Built RNNs that can generate sequences based on input data
- with a focus on two applications: used real market data in order to predict future Apple stock prices using an RNN model.
- Trained a Convolutional Neural Network with custom architecture
- Implemented image processing like De-noise, edge detection and blur