- Investigation for determining the optimal length of chopsticks
- Definition of dependent and indepented variables
- Get first insights through a challenge project
- Data Wrangling
- Summarise data
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Report descriptive statistice with measures of central tendency and measures of variability
- Conduct a paired t-test
- This dataset does not proof causation (because it is not a controlled experiment), instead a look at the correlation between the values is taken.
- 12 Questions are answered using the Titanic dataset
- Auditing data (.osm file)
- Cleaning data
- Data exploration with MongoDB
- Univariate analysis and plots
- Bivariate analysis and plots
- Multivariate analysis and plots
- Summary
- Data Exploration, Outlier Detection, Feature Scaling, Optimize Feature Selection
- Principal Component Analysis, Select KBest
- Select and Tune a Machine Learning Algorithm
- Evaluation Metrics