This package is used to split arbitrary decimal.Decimal values (usually money amounts) based on distribution.Layout
that describes weights of each bucket, i.e.:
bucket1: 1/3,
bucket2: 1/6,
bucket3: 1/2
sum of all fractions is always 1
The result of "splitting" operation is a distribution.Value
that contains the buckets with calculated shares of initial value (with specific precision) and the remainder.
For example distribution of 100
using the above distribution.Layout
will produce this result:
precision: 2,
bucket1: 33.33,
bucket2: 16.66,
bucket3: 50,
remainder: 0.01
sum is always 100
The remainder
will be added automatically based on which distribution.Bucket
in variadic slice of MakeLayout
was marked as remaindable
External code doesn't have access to internals of Value
or Layout
and there are no mutating methods in the public API - which means there's no way for an importing code to break the internal rules of this package.