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BaselHack 2019 Feedback

JJatsch edited this page Nov 5, 2019 · 17 revisions

Check-In & Registration @StanBarrows

  • Eventfrog?
  • Welcome Kit with Schedule
    • WLAN-Codes | General Informationen | Deposit 20.-CHF
  • Invite People to Slack (automated)?
  • Deposit / Do we need a signature? Suggest again 25CHF Next year / 20.- CHF return


  • food waste
    • tell participants to bring lunch box?


  • custom voting app with live preview & screens instead of pizza carton for jury
  • Rethink voting criteria: (JJ)
    • Are we awarding the right things?
    • Too many criteria.. voting too complicated. Reduce to two!
    • Suggestion: Technical Wow & Personal Wow
    • Suggestion 2: No more 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize but category winners (e.g. best tech, best impact, best fun)

Feedback & Survey

  • what shall we ask in the survey ?

    • location
    • food
    • open question: What would make BaselHack even greater?
  • we forgot to provide a feedback


  • Partner auch auf Eventfrog & den Tickets anzeigen 0.80% pro Verkauftes Ticket
  • Abstufung genauer
    • Hautpsponsor | Location Sponsor | Food Sponsor | Drink Sponsor etc.
      • is this sponsor feedback? This makes it complicated for us and for the sponsors. We can't really plan how much we need for lunch / snacks etc.. (JJ)


  • Slack als primäres Kommunikationsmittel für den gesamten Verein


  • If we go for 31.10/01.11 let's decide early if we make a "No Halloween policy" or if we make a "Halloween Special" with something like a "creepy code award", midnight retro gaming session (we might get retro game stuff from Uni Basel if we ask on time). (JJ)