This project is no longer actively maintained.
Sdcf4j is a simple Discord command framework for Java, supporting Javacord, JDA and Discord4J. It helps you creating commands within seconds in a clean and simple way.
A ping command is as easy as this:
@Command(aliases = "ping", description = "Pong!")
public String onPingCommand() {
return "Pong!";
<!-- The core module -->
<!-- The module for your preferred lib -->
<!-- Possible artifact ids: sdcf4j-javacord, sdcf4j-jda3, sdcf4j-discord4j -->
Make sure to replace %version%
with the latest version number, e.g. v1.0.0
(don't use this one!).
You can find me in one of these servers/channels. Feel free to contact me if you need help. :)
For those of you how don't use maven: Jenkins
Thanks to ketrwu (
The javadocs can be found here: JavaDocs
Thanks to ketrwu, too.
Take a look at the wiki for a detailed description on how to use the library.
Ping command:
public class PingCommand implements CommandExecutor {
@Command(aliases = {"!ping"}, description = "Pong!")
public String onCommand(String command, String[] args) {
return "Pong!";
Parameters are completely dynamic, so all of this examples would work:
// no parameters (Javacord, JDA and Discord4J)
@Command(aliases = {"!ping"}, description = "Pong!")
public String onCommand() {
return "Pong!";
// DiscordAPI and Message as parameter (Javacord)
@Command(aliases = {"!ping"}, description = "Pong!")
public String onCommand(DiscordApi api, Message message) {
return "Pong!";
// no private messages and async (Javacord and JDA)
@Command(aliases = {"!channelInfo", "!ci"}, description = "Pong!", async = true, privateMessages = false)
public String onCommand(Channel channel) {
return "You are in channel #" + channel.getName() + " with id " + channel.getId();
// Javacord
CommandHandler cmdHandler = new JavacordHandler(api);
// JDA3
CommandHandler cmdHandler = new JDA3Handler(jda);
// Discord4J
CommandHandler cmdHandler = new Discord4JHandler(client);
// register the command
cmdHandler.registerCommand(new PingCommand());