#Battlefield 2142 Statistics Emulator Server
- Install Battlefield 2142
- Replace original bf2142.exe with bf2142.exe from [cracked_exe] folder (for your version)
- (if you have installed 1.25) Edit hosts.ics ("С:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.ics") and add next lines (сhange your.external.ip to your server's external ip):
your.external.ip bf2142-pc.fesl.ea.com
your.external.ip gpcm.gamespy.com
your.external.ip stella.available.gamespy.com
your.external.ip eapusher.dise.se
your.external.ip stella.prod.gamespy.com
your.external.ip stella.ms5.gamespy.com
your.external.ip ea.com
your.external.ip gamespy.com
your.external.ip messaging.ea.com
your.external.ip fesl.ea.com
your.external.ip gpsp.gamespy.com
your.external.ip gamestats.gamespy.com
your.external.ip stella.ms5.gamespy.com
your.external.ip eapusher.dice.se
4.(if you have installed 1.51) Edit bf2142.exe with hex-editor, change to your server's external ip
(NOTE: if you are left with the unallocated space after correcting IP, set dots and change the bit-values of the dots to 00)
###Fesl Login Server (GameSpy Emulator)
NOTE: To simplify the work, use the AMP package, for example, XAMPP.
- Install OpenSSL (>= 1.0.0). Latest version you can download here .
- Install MySQL server (latest version here) .
- Import database bf2142.sql to Mysql server.
- Copy to your fesl folder libmySQL.dll from MySQL folder
- Edit _launch.bat. Change dbuser, dbpass, dbname.
NOTE: MySQL should work only on localhost! Don't change dbhost from!
6.Edit hosts.ics ("С:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.ics") and add next line (сhange your.external.ip to your server's external ip):
your.external.ip stella.master.gamespy.com
7.Start _launch.bat
NOTE: You can change License Agreement in license.txt, but however, due to the fact that BF2142 does not know a line break, the text will be like a one-liner.
NOTE: Stats requires PHP >= 5.3.8
- Unzip folder "web" to your localhost folder (WARNING: Stats system won't work at another location!)
- Open ./include/_ccconfig.php and change $db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pass to yours, which you installed in Fesl Login (step 4)
- Open your database in MySQL (phpmyadmin/ or another utility), open table "servers" and add two new entries (local and external IP) and key "authorised" 1.
- Open your PHP config file (php.ini) and change
error_reporting = E_NONE
display_errors = Off
- Download BF2142 serverfiles
- Extract "python" folder to the main folder with server. Agree with overwriting.
- Patch BF2142_w32ded.exe with lpatch.exe ("exe_patch" folder). NOTE: 1.25 patch with fesl_1.25.lpatch, 1.51 - fesl.lpatch
- Configure your server gameplay settings and start BF2142_w32ded.exe.