Playing around with Offensive Nim. I am just trying to play with nim and understand about WIN32 APIs. Sorry for the horrible code. PR are welcome !
- Base on the shellcode injection of ajpc500
- Direct syscalls for triggering Windows Native API functions with NimlineWhispers2.
- Shellcode encryption/decryption with AES in CTR mode.
- Patching the AMSI with Offensive Nim module
- Simple sandbox detection.
DISCLAIMER. All information contained in this repository is provided for educational and research purposes only. The author is not responsible for any illegal use of this tool.
On Windows, execute the Nim installer from here. Make sure to install mingw
and set the path values correctly using the provided finish.exe
utility. If you don't have Python3 install that, then install the required packages as follows.
~$ nimble install winim nimcrypto
~$ pip3 install pycryptodome argparse
~$ git clone --recurse-submodules && cd ZouzouNim
~$ msfvenom -a x64 --platform windows -p windows/exec cmd=calc.exe -f c -o shellcode.bin
~$ python.exe .\ shellcode.bin -o Basic_injector -r -p notepad.exe --debug
~$ Open notepad.exe
~$ .\Basic_injector.exe
usage: [-h] [-p PROCESS] [-o OUTPUT] [-r] [--debug] shellcode_bin
positional arguments:
shellcode_bin path to the raw shellcode file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PROCESS, --process PROCESS
process to inject (default "C:\Windows\explorer.exe")
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output filename
-r, --rdmsyscalls use NimlineWhispers2 to randomize direct syscalls and generate syscalls.nim
--debug do not strip debug messages from Nim binary
- Adding fresh copy of ntdll (maybe shellycoat integration)
- Disable ETW
- Sleep time
- Bypass AV/EDRs
Thanks to Cas Van Cooten (@chvancooten) for the help,@ajpc500 for the blog post and NimlineWhispers2 and @byt3bl33d3r for the amazing Offensive Nim repos