Webbased visualization for math content via Bokeh This Repository contains different prototypes for WebApps for the visualization of math content for lectures at TUM (Technische Universität München).
For running the an app, type
bokeh serve filename.py
and navigate to the respective site.
For publishing all apps to the internet run the same command with the option
--host <globalip>:5006
for accepting connections to the server. All apps can be run using the bokeh-runner
script with the corresponding <globalip>
- Refactor identical code from different apps into one script in Visualization. Possible parts of the code: Sympy parsing, bokeh interaction, quiver function
- add streaming data update for user view. FourierApp
- update layouts to version 0.12
- do documentation & Refactoring, where possible.
- do documentation on Bokeh with example App. Slides? Link to Webpage Tutorial and some additional remarks?
- BoundaryValApp
- ODEApp
- FourierApp
- ODESystemApp
- MandelbrotApp
- PDEApp
- ConvolutionApp
- LeibnitzApp
- ArcLengthApp
- LagrangeApp
- CurveIntegralApp
- BoundaryValApp
- ODEApp
- FourierApp
- ODESystemApp
- MandelbrotApp
- PDEApp
- ConvolutionApp
- LeibnitzApp
- ArcLengthApp
- CurveIntegralApp
- LagrangeApp
- Find nice additional visualisations
- BoundaryValApp
- ODEApp
- FourierApp
- ODESystemApp
- MandelbrotApp
- PDEApp
- ConvolutionApp
- LeibnitzApp
- ArcLengthApp
- LagrangeApp
- CurveIntegralApp
- selected tools can be preset (less user interaction needed). See here
- 3D plots can be integrated. See here
- embedding the apps, which are currently running with the Bokeh GUI, into html pages. Use new templating functionality for the bokeh server will be added. See here.
- Get VM running
- Run app locally on VM
- Publish app from VM
- Publish some html from VM