Simple cli utility to print out a list of unique colours in a given css file. Outputs each unique colour string organised by number of times it appears. Also indicates if, once computed, each colour is a duplicate of another (e.g. white
would be listed as a duplicate of #fff
ccolour-juicer path/to/file.css
ccolour-juicer also accepts a couple of cli flags:
: Output as csv instead of the pretty formatted default output.--skip-named
: Skip checking for the presence of named colors (e.g. white, black etc.) as these are often much slower than computed color values.
for example, to check styles.css
while skipping named colors and outputting as csv to cols.csv
you could use:
ccolour-juicer ./styles.css --skip-named --csv > cols.csv
Running utility on bootstrap.min.css
(current as of 2020-10-12) gives the following output
Colour | Count | Duplicate
#fff | 120 |
#6c757d | 39 |
#007bff | 34 |
red | 34 |
#212529 | 32 |
#dee2e6 | 28 |
#28a745 | 28 |
#dc3545 | 28 |
white | 21 | #fff
#343a40 | 19 |
#f8f9fa | 18 |
#ffc107 | 17 |
#17a2b8 | 17 |
#e9ecef | 15 |
#495057 | 14 |
rgba(0,123,255,.25) | 9 |
#000 | 9 |
rgba(0,123,255,.5) | 7 |
#adb5bd | 6 |
#155724 | 5 |
#1d2124 | 5 |
#004085 | 5 |
#117a8b | 5 |
#1b1e21 | 5 |
#bd2130 | 5 |
#856404 | 5 |
#b3d7ff | 5 |
#dae0e5 | 5 |
#d39e00 | 5 |
rgba(0,0,0,.9) | 5 |
#383d41 | 5 |
rgba(0,0,0,.075) | 5 |
#1e7e34 | 5 |
#721c24 | 5 |
#0062cc | 5 |
#0c5460 | 5 |
#818182 | 5 |
#545b62 | 5 |
#0056b3 | 4 |
#abdde5 | 4 |
#b1dfbb | 4 |
rgba(40,167,69,.25) | 4 |
rgba(220,53,69,.25) | 4 |
#c8cbcf | 4 |
rgba(255,255,255,.5) | 4 |
rgba(0,0,0,.1) | 4 |
#b9bbbe | 4 |
rgba(0,0,0,.5) | 4 |
#ffe8a1 | 4 |
#f1b0b7 | 4 |
#80bdff | 4 |
rgba(0,0,0,.125) | 4 |
#ced4da | 4 |
#9fcdff | 4 |
rgba(0,0,0,.25) | 4 |
#ececf6 | 4 |
#d6d8db | 3 |
rgba(40,167,69,.5) | 3 |
#f5c6cb | 3 |
rgba(108,117,125,.5) | 3 |
#bee5eb | 3 |
#b8daff | 3 |
rgba(23,162,184,.5) | 3 |
#c3e6cb | 3 |
#c6c8ca | 3 |
rgba(248,249,250,.5) | 3 |
#fdfdfe | 3 |
rgba(255,255,255,.15) | 3 |
rgba(255,193,7,.5) | 3 |
#ffeeba | 3 |
rgba(52,58,64,.5) | 3 |
rgba(220,53,69,.5) | 3 |
rgba(58,176,195,.5) | 2 |
#e0a800 | 2 |
rgba(255,255,255,.85) | 2 |
#e4606d | 2 |
#e2e6ea | 2 |
rgba(216,217,219,.5) | 2 |
gray | 2 |
#e83e8c | 2 |
rgba(0,0,0,.15) | 2 |
#c82333 | 2 |
rgba(0,0,0,.03) | 2 |
rgba(130,138,145,.5) | 2 |
#5a6268 | 2 |
rgba(0,0,0,.05) | 2 |
#454d55 | 2 |
rgba(225,83,97,.5) | 2 |
rgba(38,143,255,.5) | 2 |
#34ce57 | 2 |
#218838 | 2 |
#f7f7f7 | 2 |
rgba(0,0,0,.2) | 2 |
rgba(72,180,97,.5) | 2 |
rgba(222,170,12,.5) | 2 |
#138496 | 2 |
rgba(82,88,93,.5) | 2 |
#0069d9 | 2 |
#23272b | 2 |
#cce5ff | 1 |
#0b2e13 | 1 |
#95999c | 1 |
#491217 | 1 |
#fff3cd | 1 |
#19692c | 1 |
#1c7430 | 1 |
#002752 | 1 |
#6f42c1 | 1 |
rgba(0,0,0,.175) | 1 |
#0f6674 | 1 |
green | 1 |
#b3b7bb | 1 |
#533f03 | 1 |
#fd7e14 | 1 |
#d1ecf1 | 1 |
#86cfda | 1 |
rgba(255,255,255,.075) | 1 |
purple | 1 |
#171a1d | 1 |
#fefefe | 1 |
yellow | 1 |
#ba8b00 | 1 |
#8fd19e | 1 |
rgba(255,255,255,.05) | 1 |
#d3d9df | 1 |
#494f54 | 1 |
rgba(40,167,69,.9) | 1 |
#686868 | 1 |
#a71d2a | 1 |
#fbfcfc | 1 |
#20c997 | 1 |
#fcf8e3 | 1 |
pink | 1 |
#d4edda | 1 |
#b21f2d | 1 |
rgba(0,0,0,.7) | 1 |
#cbd3da | 1 |
#7abaff | 1 |
#16181b | 1 |
blue | 1 |
#005cbf | 1 |
rgba(255,255,255,.75) | 1 |
#121416 | 1 |
rgba(255,255,255,.25) | 1 |
#4e555b | 1 |
#202326 | 1 |
black | 1 | #000
rgba(255,255,255,.1) | 1 |
#062c33 | 1 |
#c69500 | 1 |
#10707f | 1 |
#ebebeb | 1 |
#e2e3e5 | 1 |
orange | 1 |
rgba(220,53,69,.9) | 1 |
teal | 1 |
cyan | 1 |
#6610f2 | 1 |
#040505 | 1 |
#ffdf7e | 1 |
#f8d7da | 1 |
rgba(0,0,0,0) | 1 |
indigo | 1 |
rgba(0,0,0,.3) | 1 |
#d6d8d9 | 1 |
#ed969e | 1 |
Requires rust
and cargo
to be installed. Just clone repository and run cargo build --release
in root directory.
- Only supports CSS 3 syntax due to
not having support for CSS Color Module Level 4.