Step A. Set directory
Get the current working directory, make sure that it is writable, otherwise, change to a new directory getwd() #shows the directory where R is currently looking for files and saving files to setwd("D:/Biard_All_course/ceRNA_Course/ceRNA_Net_Material_Datasets&Codes") #setwd(working Directory) Return file and folder names to console dir()
Step B. CeRNA Network package installation
if (!require("BiocManager")) BiocManager::install("BiocManager") BiocManager::install(c("knitr")) BiocManager::install(c("SummarizedExperiment")) BiocManager::install(c("edgeR")) BiocManager::install(c("reshape2")) BiocManager::install(c("DESeq2")) BiocManager::install(c("limma")) BiocManager::install(c("igraph")) BiocManager::install(c("dplyr")) BiocManager::install(c("edgeR")) BiocManager::install(c("tidyverse")) BiocManager::install(c("ggalluvial")) BiocManager::install(c("tidyr")) BiocManager::install(c("ggsankey")) BiocManager::install(c("ggplot2")) BiocManager::install(c("gprofiler2")) BiocManager::install(c("tidyr")) BiocManager::install(c("ggsankey")) BiocManager::install(c("ggplot2")) BiocManager::install(c("EnhancedVolcano")) BiocManager::install(c("BiocParallel")) BiocManager::install(c("readr")) BiocManager::install(c("data.table")) BiocManager::install(c("BiocParallel")) BiocManager::install(c("GEOquery")) BiocManager::install(c("BiocGeneric")) BiocManager::install(c("remotes"))
Step C; Get DEGs from CRC mRNA datasets
Step 1. Retrieval GEO datasets(mRNA datasets) from GEO database Step 2. load datasets into a table #Read the data table GSE138202 = as.matrix(read.table("GSE138202_mRNA.txt")) View(GSE138202) dim(GSE138202) head(GSE138202, 2) tail(GSE138202) class(GSE138202) mode(GSE138202)
Step D. Investigating the normalization of the datasets
#Check the Normalization barplot(GSE138202[1:100,]) boxplot((GSE138202[1:100,])) #log transformation logGSE138202 <- log2(GSE138202 + 1) barplot(logGSE138202[1:100,]) boxplot((logGSE138202[1:100,]))
Step E. Creating design formula for DESeq2
library(DESeq2) vignette("DESeq2") group = factor(c( rep("Normal", 8), rep("Tumor", 8))) head(group) class(group) ##Create a coldata frame and instantiate the DESeqDataSet. #See ?DESeqDataSetFromMatrix colData <- data.frame(group=group, type="paired-end") colData head(colData) #Construct DESEQDataSet Object #With the count matrix, cts, and the sample information, coldata, we can construct a DESeqDataSet: cds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(GSE138202, colData, design = ~group)
Step F. Normalization of gene expression matrix
#set control condition as reference cds$group <- relevel(cds$group, ref = "Normal") cds <- DESeq(cds) resultsNames(cds) #results table res <- results(cds) #let's look at the results table head(results(cds, tidy=TRUE)) res = as.data.frame(res) #Summary of differential gene expression summary(res) dim(res) class(res)
Step G. Differential expression analysis of mRNA (DEmRNA)
#Get DEGs dif <- results(cds, pAdjustMethod = "BH", alpha = 0.001) dif$padj <- p.adjust(dif$pvalue, method="BH") dif <- dif[order(dif$padj),] dim(dif) mRNAdif = as.data.frame(dif) dim(mRNAdif) mRNAdown = subset(dif, log2FoldChange < - 2 & padj< 0.01) mRNAup = subset(dif, log2FoldChange > 2 & padj< 0.01) nrow(mRNAup) nrow(mRNAdown) class(mRNAdown) mRNAup = as.data.frame(mRNAup) mRNAdown= as.data.frame(mRNAdown) mRNAUp = rownames(mRNAup) mRNADown = rownames(mRNAdown)
Step H. volcano plot
res = as.data.frame(res) dim(res) res1 = res[1:2000, 1:6] dim(res1) tiff('mRNA.tiff', units="in", width=5.5, height=4.1, res=700, compression = 'lzw') EnhancedVolcano(res1, lab = rownames(res1), x = 'log2FoldChange', y = 'padj', titleLabSize = 10, labSize = 1.8, title = '', subtitle = "", legendPosition = 'bottom', col = c("grey50", "darkred", "orange", "lawngreen")) dev.off()
Step I. Save the DEGs
#export a dataframe or matrix to a csv file write.csv(mRNAup , "mRNAnup.csv" , row.names = T) write.csv(mRNAdown , "mRNAdown.csv" , row.names = T) write.csv(mRNAdif , "mRNAdif.csv" , row.names = T)
Step j. Get DEGs from CRC MiRNA (DEMiRNA) datasets
#Step 1. set directory setwd("D:/BigardCode/ceRNA_course/CRC_ceRNA") options(stringsAsFactors=F) #setwd() getwd() # shows the directory where R is currently looking for files and saving files to dir() # You can change the working directory
step K. Retrieval GEO datasets from GEO database
GSE130084_miRNANA #Step 3. #loading gene expression matrix into a table
#MiRNA GSE130084 = as.matrix(read.table("GSE130084_miRNA.txt") view(GSE130084) dim(GSE130084) head(GSE130084) tail(GSE130084) class(GSE130084) mode(GSE130084) -
Step L. #Investigating the normalization of the data
barplot(GSE130084) boxplot(GSE130084[1:30,]) #Log transformation logGSE130084 <- log2(GSE130084 + 1) barplot(logGSE130084) boxplot(logGSE130084)
Step M. #Creating the group of sample
library(DESeq2) group = factor(c( rep("Tumor", 2), rep("Normal", 2))) head(group) -
step N. Create a coldata frame and instantiate the DESeqDataSet. See ?DESeqDataSetFromMatrix
colData <- data.frame(group=group, type="paired-end") colData head(colData)
Step O. Construct DESEQDataSet Object #With the count matrix, cts, and the sample information, coldata, we can construct a DESeqDataSet: cds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(GSE130084, colData, design = ~group)
Step P. set control condition as reference cds$group <- relevel(cds$group, ref = "Normal") #Normalization with DESeq2
cds <- DESeq(cds) -
Step Q. see all comparisons (here there is only one resultsNames(cds) res <- results(cds) res = as.data.frame(res) summary(res) dim(res) mcols(res, use.names=TRUE)
Step R. Differential expression analysis of mRNA (DEmRNA)
summary(results(cds, alpha=0.05)) dif <- results(cds, pAdjustMethod = "BH", alpha = 0.05) dif$padj <- p.adjust(dif$pvalue, method="BH") di <- dif[order(dif$padj),] dim(dif) miRNAdif = as.data.frame(dif) dim(miRNAdif) MiRNAdown = subset(miRNAdif, log2FoldChange < - 0.5 & pvalue< 0.05) MiRNAup = subset(miRNAdif, log2FoldChange > 0.5 & pvalue< 0.05) nrow(MiRNAdown) nrow(MiRNAup) MiRNAup = as.data.frame(MiRNAup) MiRNAdown= as.data.frame(MiRNAdown) MiRNAUp = rownames(MiRNAup) MiRNADown = rownames(MiRNAdown)
step S. Save the DEGs
##export a dataframe or matrix to a csv file write.csv(MiRNAup , "MiRNAup.csv" , row.names = T) write.csv(MiRNAdown , "MiRNAdown.csv", row.names = T) write.csv(miRNAdif , "miRNAdif.csv", row.names = T)
step T. Get DEGs from lncRNA CRC datasets#
#Set directory setwd("D:/BigardCode/ceRNA_course/CRC_ceRNA") options(stringsAsFactors=F) #setwd() getwd() # shows the directory where R is currently looking for files and saving files to dir() #You can change the working directory
Step 2. Retrieval LncRNA datasets from GEO database
step U. Import the data and look at the first six rows
GSE1048361 <- read.csv(file = 'GSE104836_LncRNA.csv') GSE104836 = as.matrix(GSE1048361[,-1]) rownames(GSE104836) <- GSE1048361[,1] GSE104836 = as.data.frame(GSE104836) dim(GSE104836) class(GSE104836) mode(GSE104836) head(GSE104836) tail(GSE104836) GSE104836 = as.numeric(GSE104836) na.omit(GSE104836)
Step V. #Investigating the normalization of the data
barplot(GSE104836[1:100,]) boxplot(GSE104836[1:100,]) #Log transformation logGSE104836 <- log2(GSE104836 + 1) barplot(logGSE104836[1:100,]) boxplot(logGSE104836[1:100,])
step W. Creating the group of samples
#Creating the group of samples library(ggplot2) library(DESeq2) vignette("DESeq2") group = factor(c(rep("Tumor", 10), rep("Normal", 10))) head(group)
step Y. Create a coldata frame and instantiate the DESeqDataSet. See ?DESeqDataSetFromMatrix
colData <- data.frame(group=group, type="paired-end") colData head(colData) #Construct DESEQDataSet Object #With the count matrix, cts, and the sample information, coldata, we can construct a DESeqDataSet: cds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(GSE104836, colData, design = ~group)
step z. converting counts to integer mode cds
## Step 5. #Normalization with Deseq2 # set control condition as reference cds$group <- relevel(cds$group, ref = "Normal") ?DESeqDataSetFromMatrix cds <- DESeq(cds) resultsNames(cds) res <- results(cds) res = as.data.frame(res) summary(res) dim(res)
step aa. Using DEseq2 built in method
normalized_counts <- counts(cds, normalized=T) cntadolog <- log2(1+counts(cds, normalized=T)) head(normalized_counts) boxplot(normalized_counts) boxplot(cntadolog)
step BB. Differential expression analysis of mRNA (DEmRNA)
summary(results(cds, alpha=0.05)) dif <- results(cds, pAdjustMethod = "BH", alpha = 0.05) dif$padj <- p.adjust(dif$pvalue, method="BH") dif <- dif[order(dif$padj),] dim(dif) lncdif1 = as.data.frame(dif) dim(lncdif1) lncdown = subset(lncdif1, log2FoldChange < - 0.5 & padj< 0.05) lncup = subset(lncdif1, log2FoldChange > 0.5 & padj< 0.05) nrow(lncup) nrow(lncdown) lncup = as.data.frame(lncdown) lncdown= as.data.frame(lncdown) lncUp = rownames(lncup) lncDown = rownames(lncdown)
step CC. Save the DEGs
##export a dataframe or matrix to a csv file write.csv(lncup,"lncup.csv", row.names=T) write.csv(lncdown,"lncdown.csv", row.names=T) write.csv(lncdif,"lncdif.csv", row.names=T)
step DD. Exploring interaction between lncRNA-miRNA & miRNA-mRNA
#loading mRNAlist,mirlist,lnclist setwd("D:/BigardCode/ceRNA_course/CRC_ceRNA") #mRNAlist genelist = read.table("genelist.txt") dim(genelist) head(genelist) genelist = genelist[,1] class(geneList) head(genelist) #mirlist mirlist = read.table("mirlist.txt") head(mirlist) dim(mirlist) mirlist = mirlist[,1] class(mirlist) head(mirlist) #lnclist lnclist = read.table("lnclist.txt") head(lnclist) dim(lnclist) lnclist = lnclist[,1] class(lnclist) head(lnclist)
step EE. Retrieval mir-mRNA through Mirwalk
setwd("D:/BigardCode/ceRNA_course/CRC_ceRNA") #load Mirwalk------------------------------------------------------------------------ miRWalk <- read.csv("miRWalk.csv", head = TRUE, sep =",", stringsAsFactors=F) dim(miRWalk) head(miRWalk) miRWalk = as.data.frame(miRWalk) MirWalk_subset <- subset(miRWalk, subset = genesymbol %in% genelist) dim(MirWalk_subset) head(MirWalk_subset) write.csv(MirWalk_subset,"MirWalk_subset.csv", row.names=T)
step FF. Retrieval miRNA-lncRNA through miRTarBase
#load miRTarBase--------------------------------------------------------------------- setwd("D:/BigardCode/ceRNA_course/CRC_ceRNA") miRTarBase <- read.csv("miRTarBase.csv", head = TRUE, sep =",", stringsAsFactors=F) dim(miRTarBase) head(miRTarBase) miRTarBase = as.data.frame(miRTarBase) mirtarbase_subset <- subset(miRTarBase, subset = tarName %in% mirlist) dim(mirtarbase_subset) head(mirtarbase_subset) mirtarbase_lncRNA_mirRNA_subset <- subset(mirtarbase_subset, subset = ncName %in% lnclist) dim(mirtarbase_lncRNA_mirRNA_subset) head(mirtarbase_lncRNA_mirRNA_subset) mirtarbase_lncRNA_mRNA_subset <- subset(mirtarbase_subset, subset = tarName %in% genelist) dim(mirtarbase_lncRNA_mRNA_subset) head(mirtarbase_lncRNA_mRNA_subset) write.csv(mirtarbase_subset,"mirtarbase_subset.csv", row.names=T) write.csv(mirtarbase_lncRNA_mirRNA_subset,"mirtarbase_lncRNA_mirRNA_subset.csv", row.names=T) write.csv(mirtarbase_lncRNA_mRNA_subset,"mirtarbase_lncRNA_mRNA_subset.csv", row.names=T)
step NN. Merge LncRNA-MiRNA & MiRNA
#Merge LncRNA-MirRNA & MiRNA---------------------------------------------------------- setwd("D:/BigardCode/ceRNA_course/CRC_ceRNA") # subset (Mirwalk) MiRNA_MRNA = MirWalk_subset[,c("mirnaid","genesymbol")] # returns a data.frame head(MiRNA_MRNA) dim(MiRNA_MRNA) class(MiRNA_MRNA) # Remove duplicate rows MiRNA_MRNA <- MiRNA_MRNA[!duplicated(MiRNA_MRNA), ] head(MiRNA_MRNA) dim(MiRNA_MRNA) # subset (mirtarbase) LncRNA_MiRNA = mirtarbase_lncRNA_mirRNA_subset[,c("ncName","tarName")] # returns a data.frame head(LncRNA_MiRNA) dim(LncRNA_MiRNA) class(LncRNA_MiRNA) colnames(LncRNA_MiRNA)[2] <- "mirnaid" # change column name for x column
step MM. Merge two data frames(LncRNA_MirRNA, LncRNA_MirRNA) by ID
LncRNA_MiRNA_MRNA <- merge(MiRNA_MRNA,LncRNA_MiRNA, by="mirnaid") head(LncRNA_MiRNA_MRNA) dim(LncRNA_MiRNA_MRNA) class(LncRNA_MiRNA_MRNA) LncRNA_MiRNA_MRNA = LncRNA_MiRNA_MRNA %>% relocate(ncName, .before=mirnaid) #Save the results--------------------------------------------------- write.csv(LncRNA_MiRNA_MRNA,"LncRNA_MiRNA_MRNA.csv", row.names=T) write.csv(MiRNA_MRNA,"MiRNA_MRNA.csv", row.names=T) write.csv(LncRNA_MiRNA,"LncRNA_MiRNA.csv", row.names=T)
step LL. investagate the ceRNA network interaction
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