An R package to explore easy access to NetCDF data sources modeled after the super convenient xarray. The desired outcomes are
ease of exploration of NetCDF contents
ease of extracting to georeferenced objects (sf, stars, terra)
url = oisst_example_url()
X = Rarr$new(url)
## dimension name: time units: days since 1800-01-01 00:00:00 length: 365
## vals: 2023-01-01, 2023-01-02, 2023-01-03 ... 2023-12-28, 2023-12-29, 2023-12-30
## dimension name: lat units: degrees_north length: 720
## vals: -89.875, -89.625, -89.375 ... 89.125, 89.375, 89.625
## dimension name: lon units: degrees_east length: 1440
## vals: 0.125, 0.375, 0.625 ... 359.125, 359.375, 359.625
## variable name: sst units: degC longname: Daily Sea Surface Temperature
## dims: lon, lat, time [1440, 720, 365]
Y = tidync(url)
## not a file:
## ' '
## ... attempting remote connection
## Connection succeeded.
## Data Source (1): ...
## Grids (4) <dimension family> : <associated variables>
## [1] D2,D1,D0 : sst **ACTIVE GRID** ( 378432000 values per variable)
## [2] D0 : time
## [3] D1 : lat
## [4] D2 : lon
## Dimensions 3 (all active):
## dim name length min max start count dmin dmax unlim coord_dim
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <lgl>
## 1 D0 time 365 8.14e+4 8.18e4 1 365 8.14e+4 8.18e4 TRUE TRUE
## 2 D1 lat 720 -8.99e+1 8.99e1 1 720 -8.99e+1 8.99e1 FALSE TRUE
## 3 D2 lon 1440 1.25e-1 3.60e2 1 1440 1.25e-1 3.60e2 FALSE TRUE