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Johannes Alneberg edited this page Jul 21, 2013 · 7 revisions


  1. User calls concoct with:
  • contig fasta file
  • contig coverage file
  • kmer lenght (default 4 and can be omitted from the command line)

same contigs in both files.

  1. For cluster number estimation:
  • use default parameters for cluster number (maybe 20 to 100 in steps of 2? )
  • call concoct with a list of cluster number to try out (if -c is the flag for clusters: -c 1-100,2)
  • provide taxonomy file for part of the contigs, count species = X and try X50%-X150%, 2?
  1. Optional how often to run each cluster number with different initialization
    default 5

  2. Optional maximum number of iteration per clustering if convergence is not achieved.
    default 100

  3. Output directory where to return output text files. This directory will be created if it does not exist, and in it there will be created a folder with the date and time of execution to prevent overriding previous runs.


  1. Read in the fasta file and generate the composition features based on kmer length. Composition vector calculated as log proportions with a pseudo-count of 1 (log p_ij = log [(X_ij + 1)/rowSum(X_ij + 1)]

  2. Generate a boolean array with true if the sum of kmer counts in corresponding contig > 1000 and false otherwise. We keep the <= 1000 kmer count contigs and will classify them after clustering on > 1000 contigs.

  3. Read the coverage file. It will use the same boolean array as the composition. Note, we will not assumer the same order, rather both composition and coverage should use contigs id as an indes to a Pandas DataFrame or Pandas Series. Makes filtering data based on contig id simple and efficient. Data transformed into log-coverage with a single read pseducount (log q_ij = log[(Y_ij + 1).R/L_j]) where L_j is the length of contig j and R is the read length.

  4. Run PCA on composition for all the contigs

  5. Select PCA number that explains > 90% of the variance.

  6. Transform both composition and coverage separately to that PCA number

  7. Join the transformed composition and coverage into a single feature vector. If we select PCA number X, the joined vector should be 2*X in size, and so we extend composition vector with the coverage vector

or 4* extend coverage vector by composition vector 5* Perform PCA on joint vector 6* Select first D dimensions that explain 90% of variance ... 8. Do scikit-learn Gaussian mixture model with full covariance matrix on the joined vector for all different cluster sizes and the provided number of initializations and iterations. We will only cluster the contigs with True in the boolean vector (contigs > 1000 kmer counts)


For each cluster number, output the best BIC of the initialized clusters. For the global minimum BIC output:

  1. Write out the clustering of the > 1000 kmer count to CSV (contigid,clusternumber): [clustering_gt{threshold}]

  2. Write out the clusters mean for > 1000 kmer count, reverse transformed by PCA matrix: [means_gt{threshold}]

  3. Write out the clusters variance for > 1000 kmer count, reverse transformed by PCA matrix: [variance_gt{threshold}_dim{dimension}]

  4. Write out the clustering of the > 1000 kmer count to CSV (contigid,clusternumber): [clustering_gt{threshold}]

  5. Write out the responsibilities for contigs > 1000 kmer count: [responsibilities.csv]

  6. Write the BIC value for the contigs > 1000 kmer count: [bic.csv]

  7. Based on current clustering, classify the short contigs to their cluster

  8. Write the joined clustering to CSV: [clustering.csv]

  9. Write out PCA transformed matrix: [PCA_transformed_data_gt{threshold}.csv

10.Write out joined original data matrices: [original_data_gt{threshold}.csv]


  1. Read in PCA transformed matrix

  2. Generate ordination plot in first two dimensions coloured by cluster assignment

  3. Generate species - cluster confusion matrix

  4. Biplot metadata if available

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