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The json export from csv convert

Technical details

  • .NetCore 8.0 runtime.
  • XXXX_RoleAttr.csv split comment and json file name.
  • CS -> client and server both, C -> only client , S -> only server, N -> ignore.
  • Compound type:
  1. STRING[] -> string array split by |.
    eg: text|text|text|text|text
  2. INT[] -> int array split by |.
    eg: 1|2|3|4|5
  3. DOUBLE[] -> double array split by |.
    eg: 1.0|2.0|3.0|4.0|5.0
  4. FLOAT[] -> float array split by |.
    eg: 1.0|2.0|3.0|4.0|5.0
  5. BOOL[] -> boolean array split by |.
    eg: true|false|true|true|false
  6. STRING[][] -> two-dimensional string array split by | and inside by ~.
    eg: a1~a2~a3|b1~b2|c1~c2~c3|d1|e1~e2
  7. INT[][] -> two-dimensional int array split by | and inside by ~.
    eg: 1~11~111|2~22|3~33|4~33|5~99
  8. DOUBLE[][] -> two-dimensional double array split by | and inside by ~.
    eg: 1.0~9.2|2.0|3.0~2.3~4.5|4.0|5.0
  9. FLOAT[][] -> two-dimensional float array split by | and inside by ~.
    eg: 1.0~9.2|2.0|3.0~2.3~4.5|4.0|5.0
  10. BOOL[][] -> two-dimensional boolean array split by | and inside by ~.
    eg: true~false|false~false|true~true|true|false
  11. STRING<> -> string value dictionaries split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=v|k2=v2|k3=aaa|k4=world|k5=zzz
  12. INT<> -> int value dictionaries split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=1|k2=22|k3=333|k4=444|k5=555
  13. DOUBLE<> -> double value dictionaries split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=1.1|k2=22.33|k3=333.44|k4=444.55|k5=555.777
  14. FLOAT<> -> float value dictionaries split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=1.1|k2=22.33|k3=333.44|k4=444.55|k5=555.777
  15. BOOL<> -> boolean value dictionaries split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=true|k2=false|k3=true|k4=false|k5=true
  16. STRING<[]> -> string array value dictionaries split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=aa~bb~cc|k2=v2~ass|k3=aaa~2333|k4=world|k5=zzz~aazzz
  17. INT<[]> -> int array value dictionaries split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=11~22~33|k2=44~55|k3=55~666|k4=111|k5=3333~22
  18. DOUBLE<[]> -> double array value dictionaries split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=11.22~22.55~33.25|k2=44.12~55.42|k3=55.1~666.3|k4=111.122|k5=3333.2~22.33
  19. FLOAT<[]> -> float array value dictionaries split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=11.22~22.55~33.25|k2=44.12~55.42|k3=55.1~666.3|k4=111.122|k5=3333.2~22.33
  20. BOOL<[]> -> boolean array value dictionaries split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=true~false|k2=false|k3=true~true|k4=false|k5=true
  21. STRING[<>] -> string dictionaries array split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=aa~k2=bb~k3=cq|k1=sf~k2=as~k3=ass|k1=asas~k2=asas~k3=asas|k1=aa~k2=asas~k3=asas
  22. INT[<>] -> int dictionaries array split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=12~k2=22~k3=233|k1=2233~k2=211|k1=5444|k1=1233~k2=112~k3=12122
  23. DOUBLE[<>] -> double dictionaries array split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=12.13312~k2=22.22~k3=233.32|k1=2233.332~k2=211.122|k1=5444.233|k1=1233.233~k2=112.22~k3=12122.1
  24. FLOAT[<>] -> float dictionaries array split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=12.13312~k2=22.22~k3=233.32|k1=2233.332~k2=211.122|k1=5444.233|k1=1233.233~k2=112.22~k3=12122.1
  25. BOOL[<>] -> boolean dictionaries array split by | and key split by =.
    eg: k1=true~k2=false~k3=true|k1=false~k2=true|k1=true|k1=false~k2=true~k3=false
  • Emmylua description generator.
