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Merge pull request #7 from Boehringer-Ingelheim/dev
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mattkorb authored Oct 22, 2024
2 parents 386f0bc + c2250c8 commit fdcbb8b
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Showing 44 changed files with 583 additions and 22 deletions.
35 changes: 25 additions & 10 deletions _quarto.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,25 +2,40 @@ project:
type: website

title: "DaVinCI"
# favicon: quarto/images/davinci_hex.png
title: "DaVinci"
- text: Home
file: index.qmd
# logo: quarto/images/davinci_hex.png
pinned: true
collapse: true
search: true
- quarto/getting_started.qmd
- quarto/modules.qmd
#- about.qmd
- icon: github
- text: Source code
target: _blank
- text: Report a Bug
target: _blank
- text: "This website as well as the DaVinCI packages are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0." # nolint
- text: "This website as well as the DaVinci packages are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0." # nolint
- aria-label: GitHub
icon: github

theme: [cosmo, quarto/general.scss]
css: styles.css
css: quarto/style.scss
toc: false
page-layout: full
anchor-sections: true

freeze: auto

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions about.qmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
title: "About"

How to get in contact?
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions davinci.Rproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,13 @@ SaveWorkspace: No
AlwaysSaveHistory: Default

EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
UseSpacesForTab: Yes
NumSpacesForTab: 2
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RnwWeave: Sweave
LaTeX: pdfLaTeX

AutoAppendNewline: Yes
StripTrailingWhitespace: Yes
LineEndingConversion: Posix
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36 changes: 27 additions & 9 deletions index.qmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,38 @@
title: "DaVinCI"
title: "DaVinci"

## Dynamic Visualization for Clinical Insights
## Dynamic Visualization for Clinical Insights (DaVinci)

### What is DaVinCI?
### What is DaVinci?

DaVinci provides tools to review, aggregate and visualize data to develop and deliver safe and effective treatments for patients. Instead of creating entire R/Shiny applications, DaVinci provides individual modules. Modules are functional building blocks that can be linked together into customized apps. This customization enables App Creators to build their own app according to trial-specific needs without deep R knowledge. The concept of developing loosely coupled, functional units and composing them into a larger application is subsequently referred to as modular approach.

DaVinCI offers R/Shiny based tools to review, aggregate and visualize data arising from clinical trials, supporting the goal of developing and delivering safe and effective treatments for patients. However, instead of creating entire R/Shiny applications, DaVinCI provides individual modules. Modules are functional building blocks that can be linked together into customized apps. This customization enables App Creators to build their own app according to trial-specific needs without deep R knowledge.
### The modular approach

To create an app, you need to first identify which modules to include. Consider each DaVinci module as individual building stone that you can put together to build a vehicle for a certain purpose. If you want to go fast, build a motorcycle, but if distance is your goal, build a regular car. The constructed vehicle symbolizes the DaVinci app that you create according to your use case.

### Our commitment and contribution to open-source

DaVinCI software development including the codebase will be made fully open-source, which will allow you to use or co-develop DaVinCI.
Our initial open-source release is planned by **Q3-2024!**
Don't miss our release and other DaVinCI related news, and connect with our Product Owner [Stefan Doering]({target="_blank"} on LinkedIn!

DaVinci modules are provided as R packages, with each package containing one or multiple modules. Choose the modules freely according to the purpose of your visualization. For instance, while a heatmap may not be necessary for data cleaning, it could be useful for biomarker analyses. Safety review might benefit from an eDISH plot, and listings are likely to be needed in all use cases. These are only examples, modules can be combined as needed. Some modules even have the capability to interact with each other.
For more details about how to actually create an app, refer to [Getting Started](quarto/getting_started.qmd). An overview of all modules can be found [here](quarto/modules.qmd).

### The DaVinci framework

The DaVinci framework consists of the following packages:

| package | description |
|[{dv.bookman}]({target="_blank"}| The Bookmark Manager module allows to safe app configurations and restore them at a later point in time from a centralized view. |
|[{dv.clinlines}]({target="_blank"}| The Clinical Timelines module offers an overview of pre-defined events and time intervals for all subjects over time. |
|[{dv.edish}]({target="_blank"}| The eDISH module supports the assessment of drug-induced liver injury by means of the (modified) evaluation of Drug-Induced Serious Hepatotoxicity plot. |
|[{dv.explorer.parameter}]({target="_blank"}| The {dv.explorer.parameter} package contains multiple modules offering statistical plots like the Boxplot module, Correlation Heatmap module, Forest Plot module, Lineplot module, ROC (receiver operating characteristics) module, Scatterplot module, Matrix of Scatterplots module, and the Waterfall Plus Heatmap module. |
|[{dv.filter}]({target="_blank"}| The {dv.filter} package enables dynamic data filtering. |
|[{dv.listings}]({target="_blank"}| The Listings module displays arbitrary datasets as listings. |
|[{dv.loader}]({target="_blank"}| The {dv.loader} package facilitates data loading from either a local or remote source. |
|[{dv.manager}]({target="_blank"}| The {dv.manager} package is designed to make it quick and easy to create and deploy Shiny applications containing DaVinci modules. |
|[{dv.papo}]({target="_blank"}| The Patient Profile module presents data on subject-level. |
: {tbl-colwidths="[25,75]"}
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions quarto/add_module_entry.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# add_module_entry <- function(module, package, url, description) {
# cat(paste0("### ", module, " by [{", package, "}](", url, '){target="_blank"} \n'))
# cat("::: columns \n")
# cat('::: {.column width="40%"} \n')
# cat("::: \n")
# cat('::: {.column width="60%"} \n')
# cat(description)
# cat("::: \n")
# cat("::: \n")
# }
add_module_entry <- function(module, package, url, description) {

paste0("### ", module, " by [{", package, "}](", url, '){target="_blank"} \n'),
"::: columns",
'::: {.column width="40%"}',

as.character(carousel("gallery-carousel", 5000, yaml.load_file("carousel/carousel.yml"))),

'::: {.column width="60%"}',
sep = "\n"


#| results: asis
des <- "The listings module displays arbitrary datasets as listings. Users can select the dataset to be shown, and specify which columns of the dataset should be displayed as well as their order. The displayed columns can be sorted and filtered. Moreover, the table can be filtered to show only entries containing a keyword entered by the user. The module is not limited to usage of one data source, most notably, it can handle data from ADaM or SDTM."
tst <- add_module_entry(module = "listings", "dv.listings", "", description = des)

#| results: asis
"### Listings by [{dv.listings}]({target=\"_blank\"}
::: columns
::: {.column width=\"40%\"}"))

`{r} carousel("gallery-carousel", 5000, yaml.load_file("carousel/carousel.yml"))`
#| results: asis
::: {.column width=\"60%\"}
The listings module displays arbitrary datasets as listings. Users can select the dataset to be shown, and specify which columns of the dataset should be displayed as well as their order. The displayed columns can be sorted and filtered. Moreover, the table can be filtered to show only entries containing a keyword entered by the user. The module is not limited to usage of one data source, most notably, it can handle data from ADaM or SDTM.

#| results: asis
cat(as.character(carousel("gallery-carousel", 5000, yaml.load_file("carousel/carousel.yml"))))

108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions quarto/carousel/carousel.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
#### Code from:
#### Changes from quarto-web tagged with "NOTE: Change"

# carousel displays a list of items w/ nav buttons
carousel <- function(id, duration, items) {
index <- -1
items <- lapply(items, function(item) {
index <<- index + 1
caption = item$caption,
image = item$image,
link = item$link,
index = index,
interval = duration,
gallery_id = id # NOTE: change

indicators <- div(
class = "carousel-indicators",
lapply(items, function(item) item$button)
items <- div(
class = "carousel-inner",
lapply(items, function(item) item$item)
id = id,
class="carousel carousel-dark slide",
navButton(id, "prev", "Previous"),
navButton(id, "next", "Next")

# carousel item
carouselItem <- function(
caption, image, link, index, interval,
gallery_id) { # NOTE: Change
id <- paste0("gallery-carousel-item-", index)
button <- tags$button(
type = "button",
`data-bs-target` = "#gallery-carousel",
`data-bs-slide-to` = index,
`aria-label` = paste("Slide", index + 1)
if (index == 0) {
button <- tagAppendAttributes(
class = "active",
`aria-current` = "true"
# NOTE: original
#item <- div(class = paste0("carousel-item", ifelse(index == 0, " active", "")),
# `data-bs-interval` = interval,
# a(href = link, img(src = image, class = "d-block mx-auto border")),
# div(class = "carousel-caption d-none d-md-block",
# tags$p(class = "fw-light", caption)
# )
# NOTE: change
item <- div(
class = paste0(
ifelse(index == 0, " active", "")
`data-bs-interval` = interval,
href = link,
class = "lightbox",
`data-gallery` = gallery_id,
img(src = image, class = "d-block mx-auto border", style = "width: 80%"),
style = "height: 200px"
class = "carousel-caption d-none d-md-block",
tags$p(class = "fw-light", caption)

button = button,
item = item

# nav button
navButton <- function(targetId, type, text) {
class = paste0("carousel-control-", type),
type = "button",
`data-bs-target` = paste0("#", targetId),
`data-bs-slide` = type,
span(class = paste0("carousel-control-", type, "-icon"),
`aria-hidden` = "true"),
span(class = "visually-hidden", text)
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions quarto/carousel/carousel.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
- caption: ""
image: "images/modules/Listings/1.png"
link: "images/modules/Listings/1.png"

- caption: ""
image: "images/modules/Listings/2.png"
link: "#articles-reports"

- caption: ""
image: "images/modules/Listings/3.png"
link: "#articles-reports"
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions quarto/general.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
/*-- scss:defaults --*/

//$body-bg: #E5E3DE;
$body-bg: #F6F5F3;
// Base document colors
$body-bg: #181818;
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$body-bg: #E5E3DE;
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$nav-tabs-link-active-bg: #00E47C;
$nav-tabs-link-active-color: #00E47C;
Expand All @@ -11,6 +16,8 @@ $nav-tabs-link-active-color: #00E47C;
$navbar-bg: #002b36;
$navbar-fg: #00E47C;
$navbar-hl: #00E47C;
//$nav-tabs-link-active-bg: #00E47C;
//$nav-tabs-link-active-color: #00E47C;

// Footer
$footer-bg: #002b36;
Expand Down

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