A progress bar for python loops, fully customizable and very effective.
""" To initialize the function, simply assign the class to a variable and initialize it with the length of the loop.
Next, call on the required update method, and then set the self.first_pass = False. Then, perform the items in a loop, and at the end of the loop call on the update method again
For instance:
items_to_be_looped_through = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n] updater = UpdateProgress(len(items_to_be_looped_through)) updater.update_1() updater.first_pass = False
for i in items_to_be_looped_through: ---BODY OF THE LOOP--- updater.update_1()
If you would like to add a specific word/character to be present in the progress bar display, you can intialize that with the 'special_char' parameter of the method. TO ADD MORE PROGRESS LOOPS, SIMPLY COPY 'update_1', RENAME IT, AND ADD IT TO THE CLASS. THIS ALLOWS FOR COMPELTE CUSTOMIZATION OF YOUR FUNCTION.