2 Axis Mundi is part of the Axis Mundi collection of game engines. The name is both a pun on the fact that this is an engine for 2D games and a skeptic's pun on a part of the world where reality meets fantasy: video games.
2 Axis Mundi is fast, portable, flexible, and exposes a C API to C, C++, and Objective-C programs; other languages may require a custom wrapper. Since there is no proper documentation, programmers are encouraged to study the headers.
Below are the prerequisites for this engine:
The following command will clone the 2 Axis Mundi repository:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Boobies/2-axis-mundi
In order to build and install the library, use the following command:
make install
Finally, here is an example of how to link against it:
c99 foo.c -l am2d_engine -l SDL2 -l SDL2_image -l json
2 Axis Mundi is free software licensed under the terms and conditions of the
GNU Lesser General Public License. For more details, see the COPYING