This is the first draft of the translation of the book "Pragmatic Introduction to Signal Processing" by prof. Tom O'Haver (
ToDo: Some adaptions to "A4" format...
- OmegaT v.5.7.1 - (but with Okapi Filter: okapiFiltersForOmegaT-1.9-1.41.0).
- Notepad++.
- Dillinger - an online Markdown editor/viewer.
- tagwipe - cleaner for Word documents
- docx2tex - Convert .docx to .tex
- gif2apng - Convert .gif in something else
Download the whole site: Spectrum zip - contains almost all required images English version - Usually more updated than the one in English .docx ( Unzip it in a directory
- Centre the title!
- Remove dropcaps (there is a word-macro for this) they will be restored after...
- Replace all "^s" with " " Unbrekable spaces to normal spaces
- Replace all "^l" with "^p" Manual row breaks
- Replace all "^m" with "" Manual page breaks
- Replace all "^u8208" with "-" Some strange Armenian minus
- Replace all "^u8203" with "" A few strange null characters
##Some experiments for .tex conversion.
...\docx2tex\d2t IntroToSignalProcessing2021.docx ....\IntroToSignalProcessing2021.csv .\Out
Tex does not handle .gif images Convert all .gif in .png in Spectrum directory and in docx2tex conversion directory (usually ...\IntroToSignalProcessing2021.docx.tmp\word\media) for %f in (*.gif) do gif2apng %f %~nxf.png This was already done in the directory "GifPngImages"
.tex Modifications Replace first part (until '\tableofcontents') with contents of IntroToSignalProcessing_Head.tex Replace last part (from row after "\chapter{References" to the end before "\end{document}") with "\input{../../IntroToSignalProcessing_Tail.tex}" Adjust in .tex file paths in "\graphicspath{..."
(In ...\CBookSignalProcessing\Python\Apitsp\ change path for Spectrum directory Change path of .tex converted file Change path of LatexBook
Execute Python script, a ..._AUTO.tex will be produced; we will work on it
"pdflatex -halt-on-error FileName_AUTO.TEX"
- At least a first revision of the Italian text!
- In the Italian version images and pages are not well formatted
- Translation maintenance.
- Conversion in Tex and/or pdf