This project was made for Seidor interview challenge, following their "interview manual".
############################ BACK-END ############################
Dotnet Core v3.1
Web Api
Dotnet Class libs
Backend Nuget Dependencies:
Microsoft.Data.Sqlite v3.1.20
SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_winsqlite3 v2.0.7
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Containers.Tools.Targets v1.10.14
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore v6.2.3
For routes and how to use, please check "swagger/index.html". All routes are mapped on swagger.
- Docker
- Sqlite (File version)
############################ BACK-END ############################
############################ FRONT-END ############################
- Angular v13.0.2
- rxjs v7.4.0
- node 16.13.0
- npm 8.1.0
- typescript 4.4.4
Html/Css was based/modified from free-open html-css forms
############################ FRONT-END ############################