This project implements a grid navigation algorithm to determine the number of possible locations that can be accessed from a starting point within a given number of steps. The program reads a grid from an input file, marks accessible cells, and counts the total number of accessible locations.
- Reads a grid from an input file.
- Marks cells as accessible if they can be reached within the specified number of steps.
- Outputs the total number of accessible locations.
: Main script that executes the grid navigation algorithm.puzzle.txt
: Input file containing the grid.
The input file should contain a grid where:
represents the starting position..
represents empty cells.- '#' represents obstacles or walls.
- def file_input(file_path) : Reads the input file and converts its content into a 2D array of characters.
- def moving(row, column, grid, steps, visited) : Recursively explores the grid from the current position. Marks cells as accessible ('0') if they can be reached within the specified number of steps. Uses a set to track visited states to avoid redundant work.
- Main Function : Reads the input file and creates the grid. Identifies the starting position. Initiates the movement from the starting position. Counts and prints the number of accessible locations.