LiteDBMapper is an easy-to-use library for LiteDB, you can easily setup a local database and store with of just 2 lines of code.
- Manages internally mapping of key and object types, you don't need to worry about it at all.
- Still access to BsonCollection to access raw bson documents.
- Store key-value pairs in batch.
- The connection string is supplied with the constructor when LiteBDMapper instance is being created, this is the same string as LiteDB's connection string, with same features, see - LiteDB's connection string.
//Creating instance to LiteDBMapper, it creates the collection "people" if it doesn't exist, connection string is null so it is locally stored to
//where the application is executing from.
var storage = new LiteDBMapper<string, IEntity>("people", null); //new LiteDBMapper<AnyKeyType, AnyValueType>
//Storing "human jack, with age 23 to database
storage.StoreOrUpdate("person1", new Human
Name = "Jack",
Age = 23
//Retriving the human object from storage
IEntity jack = storage.Get("person1");
//Now lets print some info!
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {jack.Name}, age: {jack.Age}"); //Prints: Name: Jack, age: 23
//Let's create a dictionary of 100 people
IDictionary<string, IEntity> people = new Dictionary<string, IEntity>(100);
//Let's generate 100 people and add them to dictionary!
for (int index = 0; index < 100; index++)
people.Add(index.ToString(), new Human //index as the number, new Human with name test and age 20 for as value.
Name = "test" + index,
Age = 20
//Next we can add our dictionary container directly with StoreBatch
Console.WriteLine($"We have total of {people.Count} in the local storage!");
//We could get all the values of the collection "people" that we have specified in the constructor earlier.
IEnumerable<IEntity> enumerable = storage.Values; //Retrieves all values that we have stored earlier.
//Now we could remove by using the same dictionary container, for deleting we only need the key.
int removedEntities = storage.RemoveBatch(people.Keys.ToArray()); //Accepts our key type as array.
Console.WriteLine($"We have removed a total of {removedEntities} entities.");
//Read-only BsonCollection field is exposed, you can still access to the bson documents.
var storedBsonDocuments = storage.BsonCollection.FindAll();
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, storedBsonDocuments)); //prints the jack kvp that is left in the storage.
storage.Remove("person1"); //Jack will be removed from the storage.
if (!storage.Contains("person1")) //Let's make sure that it doesn't exist anymore!
Console.WriteLine("Jack doesn't exist in storage."); //Actually gets printed because person1 is removed.