decrediton is a cross-platform GUI for decred written in node.js using Electron.
Currently decrediton is available on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Decrediton will NOT use or in any way disrupt the CLI wallet file you may already be using at this time.
Download the decrediton release for your operating system on decred/decred-binaries.
On macOS, Ubuntu (14.04 LTS kernel 3.16 and later), and recent Debians, there should be no additional dependencies needed (exception: Ubuntu 18.04+, see issue #1404).
On Fedora or similar distros you may need to install the libXScrnSaver package if you see this error:
error while loading shared libraries:
You can install this on a recent Fedora with the command:
sudo dnf -y install libXScrnSaver
On linux you will need to decompress the package:
tar -xvzf decrediton-X.X.X.tar.gz
and then run the file:
This will start dcrd and dcrwallet for you.
On macOS, double-click the .dmg file, drag the .app to your Applications folder. Double click on to start.
You can also install via brew cask:
brew cask install decrediton
From there follow the on screen instructions to setup your wallet.
When running a release version, there are a few options available.
To see additional debug information (including the output of dcrd and dcrwallet) run:
decrediton --debug
To pass additional arguments to dcrwallet (such as to increase the logging level run:
decrediton --extrawalletargs='-d=debug'
You need to use compatible node and electron versions to build native modules and in general to ensure the code you're working on will behave correctly in production.
The current recommended versions for the main tools are:
- Node: 10.2+
- Npm: 6.4+
- Yarn: 1.12+
- Electron: 3.0.6
To ease node version management, install all top-level tools (node/npm/yarn) using nvm (linux/mac, windows).
Development using the master version of decrediton usually requires using a corresponding master version of dcrd/dcrwallet.
Follow the instructions to install dcrd, dcrwallet and dcrctl from source from their respective repos:
These steps are usually the only ones required for basic development on linux/macOS (after compiling dcrd/dcrwallet/dcrctl from source).
For Windows users, it's usually a good idea to use MSYS2 instead of the standard cmd.exe (see below for more Windows tips).
git clone
cd decrediton
mkdir bin/
cp $GOPATH/bin/dcr* bin/
yarn dev
If you're developing decrediton improvements on a daily basis, you need to also keep up to date with dcrd/dcrwallet changes (specially when developing things like new grpc calls).
In that case, instead of copying the binaries to /bin
it's better to symlink
them so that you only need a single step (go install) to run newer versions of
these tools:
cd bin
ln -s `which dcrd` dcrd
ln -s `which dcrctl` dcrctl
ln -s `which dcrwallet` dcrwallet
This step is only recommended if you're constantly restarting decrediton. If you're not developing on a daily basis, you can safely ignore this for the moment.
When starting decrediton in RPC (or "normal") mode, it automatically runs dcrd in the backgound to gather blockchain data. If you need to constantly restart decrediton, loading the node every time may be time consuming.
In that case, it's helpful to run the dcrd node in a separate process and simply
attach to it between decrediton restarts. In order to see the advanced daemon
configuration options either start decrediton with the --advanced
option or open config.json
and set the
flag to true
as follows:
"daemon_start_advanced": true,
Note: Your config.json file is located in the following directories:
Windows - C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Local\Decrediton\config.json
macOS - $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Decrediton/config.json
Linux - ~/.config/decrediton/config.json
Run the following to start the Decred daemon in a standalone terminal window:
Windows - dcrd --testnet -u USER -P PASSWORD --rpclisten= --rpccert=C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Dcrd\rpc.cert
macOS - dcrd --testnet -u USER -P PASSWORD --rpclisten= --rpccert=$HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Dcrd/rpc.cert
Linux - dcrd --testnet -u USER -P PASSWORD --rpclisten= --rpccert=~/.dcrd/rpc.cert
Once you restart decrediton, you should be presented with a screen to specify the node parameters. Note that all of them are present in the command you used to start the node for your respective system.
CLI options (including --advanced
) when running yarn dev
are currently not supported.
To start decrediton from command-line (assuming it is installed in /Applications
$ /Applications/
Windows is tricky, due to some things working better on MSYS2, while some things only working on cmd.exe, and native module building being very tough to get right.
On a day-to-day basis, for development and testing (of general decrediton functionality) MSYS2 is fine, and usually useful for providing GNU-like CLI tools.
However, for building native modules, you'll need to use the cmd.exe prompt.
First, from an administrative prompt (cmd.exe), install windows-build-tools
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
This usually works, but sometimes bugs out. If it does, try manually
installing the vs tools by going opening an explorer window to
, then running vs_BuildTools.exe
After installing windows-build-tools, open a non-administrative prompt (cmd.exe) and then try recompiling the native modules:
yarn rebuild-natives
If you have multiple versions of VS Build Tools installed, you may need to configure which version to use:
npm config set msvs_version 2015 -g
Sometimes you have to nuke /node_modules
and /app/node_modules
for the
native modules to be forced to rebuild.
You might also run into trouble when compiling or trying to use modules compiled with a different version of node than the one that electron internally uses. In that case, switch to the same version of node from electron (check the electron/node version here) then try everything again.
The end result for module compilation should be the following files:
Note: yarn start
does not currently correctly load the win32ipc module, so
testing with yarn build/start will fail to correctly unload dcrd/dcrwallet when
Building on a Raspberry Pi (and other less common platforms) requires rebuilding the native modules, given that most of them (specially grpc) do not come with precompiled binaries for them.
Do note that for the moment, support for this platform is experimental, so you might need to tweak stuff (in particular, you'll need to disable hardware acceleration and ui animations) to run decrediton on it.
yarn rebuild-natives
You need the binaries copied into the bin/
directly (note that symlinks
don't work for production builds: you need to actually copy the executables).
You can test the production version (without most of the debugging info and with compiled and minified code) by using:
yarn build
yarn start
And finally, a packaged version (including the final standalone electron binaries) for the current platform can be built with:
yarn package
You need to make sure you have the following packages installed for the building to work:
- icns2png
- graphicsmagick
- rpm-build
yarn package-linux
After it is finished it will have the built rpm, deb and tar.gz in the releases/ directory.
If you're only interested in a tar.gz, you can alternatively use:
yarn package-dev-linux
If you have any further questions you can find us at:
- (channel #decred)
- webchat
The integrated github issue tracker is used for this project.
decrediton is licensed under the copyfree ISC License.