Basic script to detect vulnerabilities into a PHP source code, it is using Regular Expression to find sinkholes.
┌[parrot]─[Bishal Aryal]─[/home/cisco/project/final-year-sast-tool]
usage: [-h] [--dir DIR] [--plain]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dir DIR Provide Directory to analyse
--plain Plain in output (without Color)
Currently detecting :
- Arbitrary Cookie
- Arbitrary File Deletion
- Cross Site Scripting
- File Inclusion / Path Traversal
- File Upload
- Header Injection
- Information Leak
- PHP Object Injection
- Remote Code Execution
- Remote Command Execution
- Server Side Request Forgery
- Server Side Template Injection
- SQL Injection
- URL Redirection
- Weak Cryptographic Hash
- Hardcoded credentials
- High Entropy string
Use "" to automate the scanning process.
# Example
┌[parrot]─[Bishal Aryal]─[/home/cisco/project/final-year-sast-tool]
└╼cisco$python3 --dir vulnerable_code
Analyzing 'vulnerable_code' source code
Name Potential vulnerability found : SQL Injection
Line -->6 in vulnerable_code/tainted-sql-string.php
Code mysql_query($query)
Declaration Line n°6 : $query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE Id = '"