##Download the C4J-Doclet
Note: Required JDK Version 1.6
##Generate JavaDoc within Eclipse
- Go to Project -> Generate Javadoc. A Javadoc generation wizard is shown.
- Set up the path to the javadoc.exe (e.g. [path to your jdk]\bin\javadox.exe)
- Select the project(s) for which Javadoc will be generated
- Select the option "Use custom doclet"
- Fill in the C4J-Doclet name: de.vksi.c4j.doclet.C4JDoclet
- Set up the path to the c4j-doclet-6.0.0.jar
- Click on "Next"
- Set up the destination directory where javadoc saves the generated HTML files
- Enter -d [your destination] into the text field "Extra Javadoc options"
- Set up the destination directory where javadoc saves the generated HTML files
- Click on "Finish" to generate the Javadoc generation
For more detailed information about the Javadoc-Tool and the use of doclets, please refere to: