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Building release mode Pavol branch need update

Grimmer edited this page Mar 31, 2017 · 2 revisions

The below content is edited on 15 Dec 2015,, need update

Building release mode of carta:

make a temporary directory for sources

$ mkdir /scratch/test7 && cd /scratch/test7

clone my branch

$ git clone [email protected]:pfederl/CARTAvis.git

setup externals (e.g. copy them from an existing place?)

$ cp -a ~/Work/CARTAvis-externals .

run the build script like this:

$ python /scratch/test7/CARTAvis/carta/scripts/ 
srcRoot /scratch/test7/CARTAvis
{'qmakebin': u'/home/pfederl/Software/Qt/5.3/gcc_64/bin/qmake', 'destination': u'/tmp/cartaBuild-0.0.0', 'qooxdooExtraOptions': [u'-m', u"OPTIMIZE:['basecalls', 'comments', 'xxxprivates', 'xxxstatics', 'strings', 'variables', 'variants', 'whitespace']"], 'version': u'0.0.0', 'makeflags': [u'-j12']}
Current settings (from /scratch/test7/CARTAvis/carta/scripts/lastBuild.json ):
  1) Version: 0.0.0
  2) Destination: /tmp/cartaBuild-0.0.0
  3) qmake: /home/pfederl/Software/Qt/5.3/gcc_64/bin/qmake
   ) makeflags: -j12
   ) qooxdoo extra options: -m OPTIMIZE:['basecalls', 'comments', 'xxxprivates', 'xxxstatics', 'strings', 'variables', 'variants', 'whitespace']
  0) Go

At this point the script stops and waits for your input. You can change some of the above settings, and when you're happy, you can select option '0'. In the above example, the results will be stored in /tmp/cartaBuild-0.0.0 directory. When you run this for the first time, it may take a while, so be patient :)

now it's time to try to start the viewer:

$ /tmp/cartaBuild-0.0.0/cartaviewer /scratch/small.fits
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